Was ist Breakpoint. Breakpoint, für Last Investmentfonds, ist der Dollar Betrag für den Kauf der Fonds s Aktien, die den Anleger für eine reduzierte Umsatzgebühr belastet Der Kauf kann entweder in einem Pauschalbetrag oder durch Staffelung Zahlungen innerhalb einer vorgeschriebenen erfolgen Zeitraum Die letztgenannte Form der Investitionskauf in einem Fonds muss durch eine Absichtserklärung dokumentiert werden. BREAKING DOWN Breakpoint. Zum Beispiel nehmen wir an, dass ein Investor plant, 95.000 in einem Front-End-Last-Investmentfonds zu investieren und steht vor einer Verkaufsgebühr von 6 25 oder 6,125 Wenn ein Haltepunkt von 100.000 mit einer niedrigeren Verkaufsgebühr von 5 5 besteht, sollte der Investor darauf hingewiesen werden, dass er zusätzliche 5.000 investiert. Wenn der Investor weitere 5000 an die Investition fügen kann, würde er oder sie von einem niedrigeren Haltepunkt profitieren Umtauschgebühr von 5.500 oder eine Einsparung von 625 auf diese Transaktion. Mutuale Mittel sind erforderlich, um eine Beschreibung dieser Breakpoints und die Voraussetzungen für die Erfüllung der Voraussetzungen im Fondsprospekt zu geben. Durch Erreichen oder Übertreffen eines Haltepunktes, ein in Vestor wird eine niedrigere Umsatzgebühr und Geld sparen Jeder Investor Kauf von Fondsanteilen, die knapp unterhalb eines Haltepunktes auftritt, gilt als unethisch und in Verletzung der NASD-Regeln, die Blitz. Version Premium-Binär-Optionen-Software ist MarketsPulse s Forte und Fokus Seit 2008 hat das Unternehmen Erlangte viel Erfahrung und Kompetenz, indem er sich der Bereitstellung von Brokern widmete, seine Spezialität, binäre Optionslösungen. Heute macht MarketsPulse den Erfolg und die Zufriedenheit der Makler durch die Bereitstellung von exklusiven Dienstleistungen und Technologien, wie ihr neues BI-System MPInsight Besuchen Sie sie, um mehr zu hören Project Management. Bats Europe Stock Exchange. Bats Europe ist Europas größter Aktienaustausch und bietet den Handel in mehr als 5.500 Wertpapieren über 15 große europäische Märkte, über eine Plattform und unter einem Regelbuch Darüber hinaus ist der Börsen-führende Handelsberichterstattungsdienst, BXTR , Berichtet nun die Mehrheit der OTC-Aktienmarkt-Handel in Europa durchgeführt. Director, Marktdaten. EasyPaymentGateway Payment Solutions. Easy Payment Gateway hat Niederlassungen in Gibraltar, London und Spanien und ist vor allem ein Online-Gateway für mehrere Zahlungslösungen und Kreditkartenerwerber Mit über 200 verschiedenen Online-Zahlungsmethoden und weltweiten Erwerbern bietet es jedem Online-Händler alles, was er braucht Um Online-Transaktionen über eine sehr einfache und dennoch stark sichere API-Integration zu verarbeiten. IG Institutional Liquidity provider. IG Institutional bietet Boutique Prime Brokerage und institutionelle Handelslösungen, untermauert durch unsere etablierte Reputation und außergewöhnliche Bilanz Stärke Wir sind ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Online-Handel , Die Bereitstellung von Zugang zu tiefer interner Liquidität sowie Preise von mehrstufigen Banken, MTFs und Liquiditätsanbietern Unsere institutionellen Kunden genießen eine Eins-zu-eins-Unterstützung von unserem Expertenteam. Senior Institutional Client Manager. Institutional Sales Executive. ADS Securities London Brokerage Und ECN. ADS Securities London bietet sophistische High-Devisen-, Edelmetall-, CFD - und Spread-Handel sowohl für Einzelhandels - als auch für institutionelle Kunden ADS London nutzt neue, proprietäre, Best-in-Class-Technologie, um auf eine Mischung aus tiefer Bank-, Non-Bank - und Middle East-Liquidität zuzugreifen Exzellente Preisgestaltung, qualitativ hochwertige Ausführung und sehr gute Futterverhältnisse ADS London ist von der FCA zugelassen und reguliert und ist Teil der ADS Holdings. Prime of Prime Sales Specialist. ADS Securities London. Institutional Sales Manager. ADS Securities London. Swissquote Bank Ltd, die Schweizer Marktführer im Online-Banking, hält CHF 16 Milliarden AUC mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von CHF 400 Millionen und bietet über mehrere Währungspaare, Edelmetalle und CFDs über mehrere Technologien bis zu mehr als 300.000 Kundenkonten Institutionen, Gesellschaften, Vermögensverwalter und Privat Kunden in mehr als 120 Ländern. Die Institutional Forex Division spezialisiert sich auf die Bereitstellung von Liquiditätslösungen, maßgeschneiderte Prime of Prime und White L Abel packages. Senior Institutional Sales. MetaQuotes Software TECH PROVIDER. MetaQuotes Software ist ein B2B-Software-Entwicklungsunternehmen im Jahr 2000 gegründet Seit seiner Gründung hat das Unternehmen hervorragende Erfolge bei der Entwicklung und Bereitstellung eines Stroms von innovativen Produkten, Dienstleistungen und Lösungen für Finanzinstitute Working Mit einigen der weltweit führenden Unternehmen hat es den Ruf als Anbieter der zuverlässigsten Software-Lösungen verdient Heute seine erfolgreichsten Produkte, MetaTrader 4 und MetaTrader 5 sind die beliebtesten Trading-Plattformen in der world. Advanced Markets Liquidity Provider. Advanced Markets AFSL Nr. 444649, ASIC ist ein Großhändler von Prime-of-Prime Liquidität, Kredit-und Technologie-Lösungen für Banken und Broker weltweit Die Firma s Produkte unterstützen direkten Marktzugang STP Handel in Spot FX, Edelmetalle, Energie und Verträge für Unterschiede CFD Über Finanz-und Rohstoff-Produkte. VP von Institutional FX. UpTrader Tech Provider. UpTrad Er ist ein Forex - und Binäroptionen-Softwareanbieter Wir bieten Ihnen gebrauchsfertige Produkte an und entwickeln kundenspezifische Lösungen, die es Unternehmen ermöglichen, eine Maklerfirma von Grund auf zu starten Seit über 10 Jahren sorgen wir für einen erfolgreichen Betrieb von etablierten Forex Brokern und helfen bei der Inbetriebnahme schnell zu gewinnen Wettbewerbsvorteil auf dem Markt mit höchster Professionalität und Engagement. FX EMPIRE Media Publisher Affiliate. FX Empire ist ein globales Finanzinformationsnetzwerk, das Nachrichten und Analysen für professionelle Händler bietet, die in 15 verschiedenen Sprachen verfügbar sind. Das Netzwerk bietet detaillierte Informationen über Zehntausende Von Finanzinstrumenten, einschließlich Aktien, Währungspaare, Rohstoffe, Indizes, Anleihen, ETFs und mehr Das Netzwerk enthält objektive Überprüfungen von Forex und Binary Options Broker, Sonderaktionen und Broker Video-Übersicht. VP Business Development. TRADOLOGIC TECH PLATFORM PROVIDER. TRADOLOGIC Ist der weltweit führende Anbieter in der Finanzhandelsbranche mit Technologie gebaut spec Ically für die binären Optionen Trading-Markt Das Unternehmen hat eine Reihe von Auszeichnungen an die Forex-und Binär-Industrie gewonnen TRADOLOGIC bietet seinen Kunden eine Vielzahl von Produkten, die hervorragende Trading-Erfahrung und optimierte Benutzerwert zu liefern. Head of Sales. Tools für Broker Tech Provider. T4B Ist ein erstklassiger Forex - und Binär-Optionen-Technologieanbieter mit 7-jähriger Erfahrung in der Vermittlung von Brokerage in jeder Phase ihres Lebenszyklus, um ihr Geschäft zu erweitern und sich von Wettbewerbern zu unterscheiden. Unser Produktangebot besteht aus mehr als 70 Lösungen, die für Stabilität, Automatisierung und Expansion für ein Brokerage-Geschäft. Chief Sales Officer. Tools für Broker. Chief Operational Officer. Tools für Broker. Panda TS TECH PROVIDER. Panda Trading Systems Panda TS ist spezialisiert auf den Aufbau von High-Performance, modernste Technologie für die Online-Finanz-Handels-Industrie Seit 2006 haben sie viele der weltweit führenden Online-Brokerage mit einer Reihe von Produkten und Dienstleistungen speziell customiz Um ihre geschäftlichen Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Das Unternehmen s Vision ist es, kontinuierlich bieten Makler mit Lösungen, die Operationen rationalisieren, so dass sie ihre Ressourcen auf Wachstum konzentrieren können Panda TS ist am besten bekannt für ihre einzigartige Herangehensweise zum Aufbau von starken Partnerschaften mit ihren Kunden. VP Business Development. Gegründet im Jahr 2010 bietet die Hello Group erstklassige, selbsttragende White-Label-Plattformen und anpassbare CRMs mit einer intuitiven Back-Office-Suite. Wir schaffen umfassende technologische Lösungen, die in drei Wochen ausgeliefert und von unserem internationalen Expertenteam unterstützt werden. Unsere Partner-Erfolge Sind ein Testament für unsere Lösung s performance. AIRSOFT LTD TECH PROVIDER. AIRSOFT Ltd ist ein Full-Service-Technologie-Unternehmen Service der Finanz-Trading-Community. Airsoft hat sich als führender Anbieter in Binär-Optionen, FX und CFD Trading-Software, die auf eine Wachsende Kundenbasis von globalen Kunden. Airsoft Management-Team kommt mit Jahren der Industrie führenden Profis Airsof T Ltd bieten umfassende maßgeschneiderte Software-Lösungen und End-to-End-Business-Consulting-Dienstleistungen für die Finanzmarktindustrie. Produkt Entwicklung und Anpassung ist der Schlüssel, wenn wir unsere Technologie für unsere Kunden. Business Operationen, Marketing Lead-Generierung, Online-Support ist, was setzt Airsoft Ltd Abgesehen von ihren konkurrenten. AIRSOFT ist Ihr Schlüssel für die Einführung und den Aufbau einer erfolgreichen Brokerage. Devexperts TECH PROVIDER. Gegründet im Jahr 2002, erreicht Devexperts schnellen globalen Erfolg, durch Domain-Know-how, Exzellenz in Entwicklungsmethoden, Qualitätssicherung und Kundenbetreuung Die hohe Leistung, Skalierbarkeit Integration Fähigkeiten unserer Produkte Dienstleistungen, zusammen mit 24 7 Monitoring-Unterstützung, führen zu einigen der globalen Finanzindustrie s bekanntesten und zuverlässigen Technologie-Anwendungen 2 M Menschen Handel täglich auf unserer Technologie. EVP Global Head of Sales. Online Trading Akademie Standorte Binarie Opzioni dapio it. 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Zwei regulierten Online-Broker Bieten nun Bitcoin CFDs neben CFDs auf Aktien, Indizes, Rohstoffe und Devisen. Plus500 uk ist der einzige FCA Regulierte Broker, der Bitcoin CFDs unterstützt Leverage bis zu 1 10 auf Plus500 s hauseigene Handelsplattform Eröffnen Sie hier ein Konto und Sie könnten Bitcoin handeln USD in Minuten. AvaTrade AvaTrade ermöglicht es Ihnen, Bitcoin CFDs auf MT4 auf Hebel zu handeln bis zu 1 5 Eröffnen Sie ein Konto in min Utes utes utes utes utes utes utes utes utes utes utes utes utes utes utes utes utes utes................................................ Wenn Bitcoin bei 118 35 gehandelt wird Wenn Bitcoin auf nur 118 45 steigt, wärst du 100 x 0 10 10 besser dran und versetzst dir eine 10 Rendite bei deiner Investition. CFDs erlauben dir auch, in einem fallenden Markt zu profitieren, wenn der Preis der Zugrunde liegende Asset geht hinunter Dies wird als Short-Verkauf der Asset jetzt mit dem Ziel, es wieder zu einem niedrigeren Preis zu kaufen. Wie Hebelwirkung funktioniert. Mit CFDs können Sie Ihre Trades nutzen, um Ihr Einkommen Potential zu wachsen. Zum Beispiel Plus500 uk Bietet Hebelwirkung bis zu 1 10 auf der BITUSD CFD Wenn Sie 100 von Ihrem eigenen Geld auf 1 10 Hebelwirkung investieren möchten, könnten Sie eine 1.000 Position eröffnen. Wenn wir zum vorherigen Beispiel zurückkehren, wäre es 100 besser gewesen, 100 Rückkehr auf Ihre Investition. Leverage ist ein zweischneidiges Schwert Es vergrößert Ihre Gewinne und Verluste Mit anderen Worten, Ihr Kapital ist in Gefahr. Starten Sie investieren mit nur 1.000.So haben Sie 1.000 beiseite, und Sie sind bereit, die Welt der Investition zu betreten Aber bevor Sie Kopf in die Welt der Aktien springen Und Anleihen gibt es einige Dinge zu beachten Einer der größten Überlegungen für Investoren mit einer minimalen Menge an Geld ist nicht nur, was zu investieren, sondern auch, wie zu gehen über investieren Nicht lange in Ihre Investition Reise, können Sie sich bombardiert mit Mindesteinzahlung Beschränkungen, Provisionen und die Notwendigkeit der Diversifizierung, unter einer Vielzahl von anderen Überlegungen In diesem Artikel werden wir Sie durch den Start als Investor und zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre Renditen durch Minimierung Ihrer Kosten zu maximieren. Was ist das Konto Minimums. To die Unerwartetes Investor, Investieren mag einfach genug sein - alles was Sie tun müssen, ist eine Maklerfirma zu gehen und ein Konto zu eröffnen, was Sie vielleicht nicht wissen, ist das alle Finanzinstitute Haben Mindesteinzahlung Anforderungen Mit anderen Worten, sie gewann t akzeptieren Ihre Konto-Anwendung, wenn Sie eine bestimmte Menge an Geld Eins Unternehmen gewann t sogar erlauben Ihnen, ein Konto mit einer Summe so klein wie 1.000.Stockbroker kommen in zwei Geschmacksrichtungen Full-Service Und Rabatt Wie der Name schon sagt, ein Full-Service-Broker bietet viel mehr in den Weg des Dienstes, aber es handelt sich nur um höhere Netto-Kunden Es ist üblich, Mindestkonto Größen von 50.000 und bis bei Full-Service-Brokerages zu sehen. Dies geht Der 1.000 Investor mit der Option eines Discount-Brokers Discount-Broker haben erheblich niedrigere Gebühren, aber don t erwarten viel in der Art von Hand-Holding Gebühren sind niedrig, weil Sie für alle Investitionsentscheidungen zuständig sind - Sie können t anrufen und um Investition bitten Beratung Mit 1.000, sind Sie direkt an der Spitze in Bezug auf die Mindesteinzahlung Einige Discount-Broker werden Sie und andere gewonnen Sie müssen Sie einkaufen. Sie können auch Aktien direkt von einem Unternehmen durch direkte Lager Pu kaufen Rchase plant DSPPs Einige dieser Pläne haben eine Mindestanlagebetragsbeschränkung, die zwischen 100 und 500 liegt. Mit dem Aufkommen des Online-Handels gibt es eine Reihe von Discount-Brokern ohne oder sehr niedrige Mindesteinzahlungsbeschränkungen Einer der beliebtesten Online-Trading-Sites Ist Scottrade Sie werden jedoch mit anderen Einschränkungen konfrontiert werden und sehen höhere Gebühren für bestimmte Arten von Trades Dies ist etwas ein Investor mit einem 1.000 Start-Balance sollte berücksichtigen, wenn er oder sie will in Aktien zu investieren. Mutual Funds and Bonds. Wenn Investmentfonds oder Anleihen Investitionen sind, die Sie gerne machen möchten, ist es einfacher in Bezug auf die Mindesteinzahlungsbeträge. Beide können über Maklerfirmen erworben werden, bei denen ähnliche Einzahlungsregeln gelten wie für Aktien. Gegenseitige Mittel können auch über Ihre lokale Bank erworben werden , Oft für weniger als 1.000, wenn Sie eine bestehende Beziehung mit der Bank haben. Wenn Sie Staatsanleihen erwerben möchten, kann dies direkt von der Regierung durch T durchgeführt werden ReasuryDirect Die einzige Einschränkung hier ist die Mindestabnahmemenge der Anleihe, die von 100 bis 1.000 reichen kann. Lernen Sie die Investitionskosten. Bevor Sie ein Anlagekonto eröffnen, müssen Sie auch die Kosten berücksichtigen, die Sie aus dem Kauf von Anlagen entstehen werden Konto ist offen In den meisten Fällen, jedes Mal, wenn Sie eine Investition kaufen, kostet es Ihnen Geld durch Provisionen Mit einer begrenzten Menge an Geld, können diese Transaktionsgebühren wirklich eine Delle auf Ihre 1.000.Investing in Aktien können sehr teuer sein, wenn Sie handeln Ständig, vor allem mit einem Minimum an Geld zur Verfügung zu investieren Jedes Mal, wenn Sie handeln Aktien, entweder durch den Kauf oder Verkauf, werden Sie eine Handelsgebühr Trading Gebühren Bereich von der unteren Ende von 10 pro Handel, kann aber so hoch wie 30 sein Für einige Discount-Broker Denken Sie daran, ein Handel ist ein Auftrag, um Aktien in einem Unternehmen zu kaufen - wenn Sie fünf verschiedene Aktien gleichzeitig kaufen wollen, wird dies als fünf separate Trades gesehen und Sie werden berechnet Jeder man. Nun, stellen Sie sich vor, dass Sie sich entscheiden, die Bestände dieser fünf Unternehmen mit Ihrem 1.000 zu kaufen Um dies zu tun, werden Sie 50 in Handelskosten entstehen, was entspricht 5 Ihrer 1.000 Wenn Sie waren, um vollständig investieren die 1.000, Ihre Konto würde auf 950 nach Handelskosten gesenkt werden Dies ist ein 5 Verlust vor Ihren Investitionen sogar eine Chance, einen Cent zu verdienen. Wenn Sie diese fünf Aktien zu verkaufen, würden Sie wieder einmal die Kosten der Trades, die wäre ein anderer sein 50 Um die Rundreise zu kaufen und zu verkaufen auf diesen fünf Aktien kostet Sie 100 oder 10 Ihrer ersten Einzahlungsbetrag von 1.000 Wenn Ihre Investitionen don t verdienen genug, um dies zu decken, haben Sie Geld verloren, indem Sie einfach und verlassen Positionen. Mutual Fondsgebühren. Es gibt viele Gebühren, die ein Investor bei der Investition in Investmentfonds entstehen wird. Eine der wichtigsten Gebühren, die sich darauf konzentrieren, ist die Management-Kostenquote MER, die jedes Jahr vom Management-Team belastet wird, basierend auf der Höhe der Vermögenswerte in der Fonds Je höher die MER, desto schlimmer ist es für die Fonds-Investoren Es doesn t Ende dort werden Sie auch sehen, eine Reihe von Umsatz Gebühren genannt Lasten, wenn Sie Investmentfonds kaufen. In Bezug auf den Anfang Investor sind die Investmentfonds Gebühren tatsächlich ein Vorteil im Vergleich zu Die Provisionen auf Aktien Der Grund dafür ist, dass die Gebühren gleich sind, unabhängig von der Menge, die Sie investieren Deshalb, solange Sie die Mindestanforderung haben, um ein Konto zu eröffnen, können Sie so wenig wie 50 oder 100 pro Monat in einem investieren Investmentfonds Der Begriff dafür heißt Dollarkosten im Durchschnitt DCA, und es kann ein guter Weg, um zu investieren. Reduce Risiko mit Diversifikation. Diversifizierung gilt als das einzige kostenlose Mittagessen in Investitionen In einer Nußschale, durch die Investition in eine Reihe von Vermögenswerte, reduzieren Sie das Risiko einer Anlage s Leistung schwer verletzen die Rückkehr Ihrer Gesamtinvestition Sie könnten es als finanzielle Jargon für don t setzen alle Ihre Eier in einem Korb. Im Hinblick auf die Diversifizierung, die größte Menge an diff Schwierigkeiten, dies zu tun, werden aus Investitionen in Aktien kommen. Dies wurde im Provisionsbereich des Artikels veranschaulicht, in dem wir diskutierten, wie die Kosten für die Investition in eine große Anzahl von Aktien für das Portfolio schädlich sein könnten. Mit einer Anzahl von 1.000 ist es fast unmöglich Um ein gut diversifiziertes Portfolio zu haben, also bewusst sein, dass Sie möglicherweise in ein oder zwei Unternehmen investieren müssen, um am Anfang zu beginnen Dies wird Ihr Risiko erhöhen. Dies ist, wo der große Vorteil von Investmentfonds in den Fokus kommt Investmentfonds neigen dazu Haben eine große Anzahl von Aktien und andere Investitionen in den Fonds, die den Fonds mehr diversifiziert als ein einzelner Bestand. Ein kleiner Schritt in Richtung einer großen Zukunft. Es ist möglich zu investieren, wenn Sie gerade mit einer kleinen Menge an Geld beginnen S komplizierter als nur die Auswahl der richtigen Investition eine Leistung, die schwierig genug an sich ist und Sie müssen sich bewusst sein, die Beschränkungen, die Sie als ein neuer Investor Gesicht. Die Bottom Line. Sie müssen Ihre Hausaufgaben zu tun Finden Sie die Mindesteinzahlung und vergleichen Sie dann die Provisionen an andere Makler Chancen sind Sie in der Lage, kostengünstig einzelne Aktien zu kaufen und immer noch mit einem kleinen Geldbetrag diversifiziert werden. Angesichts dieser Einschränkungen ist es wahrscheinlich wert, auf Ihre Investition zu starten Reise mit Investmentfonds Allerdings, wie alle Aspekte der Investition, es liegt an Ihnen, die Forschung zu tun und herauszufinden, die Strategie, die Ihnen am besten passt. Forex Weekly Outlook September 7-11.All müssen Sie wissen, was los ist in EUR USD. September begann mit mehr Volatilität und mehr Unsicherheit Rate Entscheidungen in Kanada Neuseeland und Großbritannien, Beschäftigungsdaten in Australien und US-Konsumentenstimmung alle abheben Dies sind die wichtigsten Ereignisse auf unserem Kalender für diese Woche Begleiten Sie uns, wie wir diese finanziellen erkunden Highlights. Die US-Wirtschaft produzierte im August 173.000 Arbeitsplätze, hinter den Schätzungen, aber mit positiven Revisionen und einem positiven Lohnwachstum Die Freilassung kam zu einem entscheidenden Zeitpunkt der Zinserweiterung Und der gemischte Bericht erhöhte Unsicherheit, aber wir glauben, dass die Fed noch eine dovish wandern könnte In der Eurozone sind die Dinge weit von Ruhe, mit Draghi zeigt seinen Willen zu handeln, schwer wiegt auf den Euro Commodity Währungen konnte nicht genießen Chinesischer Feiertag und wurden hart getroffen Sachen werden sich wieder unruhig Lassen Sie uns beginnen. Canadian Rate Entscheidung Mittwoch, 14 00 Kanada s Zentralbank beschlossen, seinen Benchmark-Zinssatz auf 0 5 im Juli zu senken Dies war der zweite Schnitt in diesem Jahr zielte auf Steigern die Wirtschaft Der BOC hat seine Wachstumsschätzung im Jahr 2015 von seiner April-Projektion nach einer leichten Kontraktion im ersten Halbjahr reduziert. Allerdings prognostiziert die Zentralbank im zweiten Halbjahr 2015 einen Rückschlag und erwartet in diesem Jahr 1 9-Wachstum. Analysten erwarten das BOC wird die Raten pflegen. US JOLLEN Job Öffnungen Mittwoch, 14 00 Die Berufsöffnung wird von der Fed besiegt, da sie einen breiteren Hinweis auf den Arbeitsmarkt bieten, auch wenn diese Zahl verzögert ist. Im Juni stand die Zahl auf 5 25 Mio. Ion, und ein Anstieg auf 5 33 Millionen ist auf den Karten für Juli. New Zealand Rate Entscheidung Mittwoch, 21 00 Neuseelands Zentralbank schneiden ihre Benchmark Zinssatz um 25 Basispunkte auf 3 0 im Juli, in der Hoffnung auf die Inflation zu erhöhen und Steigerung der Konjunktur Die Zinskürzung stand im Einklang mit der Marktprognose Die Wachstumsaussichten der Zentralbank verschlechterten sich seit der letzten Sitzung im Juni. Allerdings hat sich die Lokalwährung seither spürbar verringert und die Hersteller mit schwächeren Rohstoff-Exportpreisen unterstützt. Analysten erwarten im September weitere Kürzungen Im Oktober als die Verlangsamung in China beginnt, Neuseelands Wirtschaft zu beeinflussen Wirtschaftswissenschaftler prognostizieren eine weitere Rate senken auf 2 75 in diesem Monat. Australische Beschäftigungsdaten Donnerstag, 1 30 Die Arbeitslosenquote in Australien kletterte 0 2 im Juli erreichte 6 3, trotz einer Arbeit Schaffung von 38.500 Positionen im Juli Analysten erwarteten eine geringere Zugabe von 10.200 Arbeitsplätzen und Arbeitslosenquote von 6 1 Der Grund für den starken Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit war eine Zunahme der p Erwerbsquote, erreicht 65 1 Der Anstieg der Zahl der Arbeitsuchenden kann in den kommenden Monaten zur Beschäftigungswachstum beitragen, was für die australische Wirtschaft gut ist. Analysten erwarten einen Jobgewinn von 5.200 Positionen und einen Rückgang der Arbeitslosenquote auf 6 2.UK-Zinsentscheidung Donnerstag, 11 00 Die Bank of England hielt die Zinsen bei 0 5 im August trotz eines stimmberechtigten Mitglieds an, um die Preise zu erhöhen. Mangel an Inflationsdruck verzögert die Entscheidung der Zentralbank, die Preise zu erhöhen. Allerdings sagte der Bank Gouverneur Mark Carney a Aufstieg zieht näher, kann aber nicht vorher vorausgesagt werden Der kollabierende Börsenmarkt in China und die Gespräche über die Schulden Griechenlands haben einen grimmigen Ausblick auf das globale Wachstum gemalt, was zur Entscheidung der Bank führt, die Zinserhöhung zu verschieben. Dennoch erwartet die Bank die Inflation Rückkehr zum Ziel nächstes Jahr, steigt 0 25 in den ersten vier Monaten und kann von 0 5 auf 1 bis Ende 2016 verdoppeln Analysten sehen nicht Änderung in Carney s Geldpolitik dieses Mal. US Arbeitslose T Claims Donnerstag, 12 30 Die Zahl der Amerikaner, die neue Anträge für Arbeitslosenunterstützung einreichen, stieg letzte Woche um 12.000 auf 282.000, was die Prognosen von 273.000 übersteigt. Allerdings bleibt die Anzahl der Anträge relativ zeitlich in der Zeit einer globalen Verlangsamung. Der vierwöchige Durchschnitt erhöhte sich um 3.250 Auf 275.500 Dieser Durchschnitt ist in den vergangenen 12 Monaten um 9 2 gesunken. Die Kombination aus stetigem Beschäftigungswachstum und geringen Anwendungsbereichen deutet darauf hin, dass die US-Wirtschaft in den kommenden Monaten weiter expandieren wird. Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftler prognostizieren die Zahl der neuen Forderungen in dieser Woche auf 279.000. US PPI Freitag, 12 30 US-Produzentenpreise in den USA stiegen für einen dritten geraden Monat im Juli, steigen 0 2 nach einem 0 4 Gewinn im Juli Allerdings blieb der Inflationsdruck vor dem Hintergrund der niedrigeren Ölpreise und einem starken Dollar gedämpft 12 Monate bis Juli, die PPI sank 0 8 nach 0 7 Drop im Juni Es war die sechste gerade 12-Monats-Rückgang in den Index Produzenten Preise werden voraussichtlich um 0 1 in Augu sinken St. US UoM Consumer Sentiment Freitag, 14 00 US-Konsumentenvertrauen geschwächt für einen zweiten Monat im August, da die Haushalte mehr pessimistisch waren, war die Zinserhöhung nach der Universität von Michigan s vorläufiger Index der Stimmung, die auf 92 9 von 93 1 im Juli abgeschlossen wurde. Ökonomen erwartet Eine Lesung von 93 5 Die globalen Finanzturbulenzen, die durch China verursacht werden, haben noch zukünftige Stimmungsberichte beeinflussen Amerikaner prognostizieren eine Inflationsrate von 2 8 in den nächsten 12 Monaten, das gleiche wie im Juli, der Bericht zeigte in den nächsten fünf bis 10 Jahren, Sie erwarteten eine 2 7, von 2 8 US-Konsumentenstimmung wird erwartet, dass weiter auf 91 zurückgehen 6.Das ist es für die großen Ereignisse in dieser Woche Bleiben Sie dran für Abdeckung auf bestimmte Währungen. Turtle Trading-Strategie-Performance Top 10 Binary Trading Broker Liste losangelesmoving. Uncategorized August 25, 2015 keine Kommentare. 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Individuals interessiert an der Kommunikation mit anderen Personen, die aktive Börsenhändler sind, beginnen, das Internet für einen Online-Aktienhandel zu suchen Forum Es gibt viele im ganzen Internet, aber es gibt nur wenige, die aktive Händler enthalten, die ein volles Verständnis davon haben, wie die Aktie Markt operiert Dies ist wichtig zu verstehen, denn auch in der Internet-Welt der Börse gibt es skrupellose Raubtiere, die auf der Suche nach dem Anfänger Investor zu beute auf. Individuals, die ein aktives Interesse und ein ähnliches Interesse haben wollen, um in die Konversation mit anderen wie Verstand zu diskutieren, die Tag oder die Woche s Aktivitäten Dies ist auch ein Weg für Einzelpersonen, um gültige Informationen zur gleichen Zeit lernen sie lernen Informationen Die Anfänger Aktieninvestor wird in der Regel gravitieren, um eine von einer Reihe von dieser Online-Lager Börsenforen, um das Wissen zu erwerben, wann sind bessere Aktien zu investieren und welche Aktien sind mittelmäßiger Die Aktien bezahlen eine Dividende für das Quartals-, Halbjahres - oder Jahresabschluss, was für den neuen Investor wertvolle Informationen ist Auf die vielen Unternehmen Stammaktien gehandelt täglich ist eine Fülle von Informationen für jeden Investor Die Fähigkeit, sich in ein Forum und kommunizieren mit anderen zu lernen Über die verschiedenen Aktien wird dazu beitragen, die einzelnen entscheiden, welche Aktien zu investieren und welche Aktie zu bleiben weg Forschung das Forum derzeit in, weil es eine Reihe von Foren, die nur bestimmte Bestände Austausch statt Abdeckung der breiten Palette von Aktien. Alle Stammaktien gehandelt On durch die Börse ist für den öffentlichen Verbrauch rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung und es kann faszinierend zu beobachten, wie die Märkte Handel um die Welt bietet ein vollständiges Bild, welche Aktivität jeder bestimmte Aktie erlebt. Allerdings haben die meisten Menschen andere Fragen zu tendenziell während the day so it is a nice feature to be able to access information around the clock. An individual opening an online stock trading initiative will give the individual up to the minute information as to what is currently happing on the trading floor A word of caution though because monitoring an individual s stock via the internet on a daily basis is more than some can handle Sound advice is for the individ ual to monitor the stock once a week because with all the software tools on the market today the history is easily retrievable. Private forex trading is the way to go for newbie investors. By lavina dias, January 24th, 2010.Everyone wants to invest in the forex market these days Now these guidelines will help you to get the most out of your private forex trades Ever since there has been a surge of the automated forex trading software in the market, people have been very inclined to test the murky waters of this market The trader can easily get an idea about the conditions of this market and knows whether it will be profitable to trade in the market at this point of time or not The best part about making use of these forex trading software is that they don t include the human factors of judgment which include emotional bias This kind of a bias makes an investor go on in spite of incurring losses in the market However since these systems are ruled by the third parties, they present the acc urate market conditions to an investor. Well, these systems have been developed by traders who possess years of experience of working in this market and as a result these systems can take decision on the behalf of an investor at only a click The systems offer a large number of decision taking variables to the investor like scalping strategies and position trading. The investor needs to make his own risk management set describing the real conditions in the market which can take decisions for him as per the guidelines of the provider selected for this purpose Traders can evaluate their decisions in this market through selected service providers and brokers who can monitor their performance The brokers can present the traders with plethora of real time charts, trade list and indicators so they can gauge the movement of the market. The trader can know whether any decision to be taken by him will benefit him or not by sending emails to brokers In a way, the traders get hold of extra brains in the form of brokers who can manage his trades. Private forex trading is quite a tough and brainy job Without the right kind of guidance, no one can protect you from the out pour of losses Although everyone may suggest this market to you for the huge nature of profits, the reality is that anyone who is not so experienced finds it tough to take decisions in the lack of proper knowledge The best part about making use of a forex trading system for the purpose of private trades is that you are reducing the amount of losses to be incurred to the least Secondly, the software can be installed on any kind of system reducing your hassles when the trade is conducted from your living room. Since the investor has made an account with the software, he gets a lot of dynamic opportunities to invest as seen by the veteran investors The private forex programs present in the market give a chance to the investor to participate in the market without having any knowledge about it So, be a part of one of these programs and learn what successful forex trading is all about. How Warren Buffett beats the market. For good reason, Warren Buffett has long been considered one of the greatest investors of his generation In fact, Berkshire Hathaway BRK has a higher Sharpe ratio a measure of risk-adjusted returns than any stock or mutual fund with a history of more than 30 years Even after taking into account the four traditional factors market, size, value and momentum , Berkshire has a significant alpha, or returns above an appropriate benchmark. Which leaves the question What s the source of Buffett s alpha. The conventional wisdom has always been that his success is explained by his stock-picking skills and his discipline However, a new study by Andrea Frazzini and David Kabiller of AQR Capital Management, and Lasse Pedersen of New York University and the Copenhagen Business School, provides us with some very interesting and unconventional answers The following is a summary of their findings. From Nove mber 1976 through December 2011, Berkshire realized an average annual return of 19 percent in excess of the Treasury bill rate, significantly outperforming the general stock market s average excess return of 6 1 percent. Berkshire stock also entailed more risk, realizing a volatility of 24 9 percent, 58 percent greater than the market volatility of 15 8 percent. Berkshire s Sharpe ratio was 0 76 over the period November 1976-December 2011, nearly double the ratio of the overall stock market 0 39.That high Sharpe ratio does reflect high average returns, but it also reflects significant risk and periods of losses and significant drawdowns For example, from July 1998 through February 2000, Berkshire lost 44 percent of its market value, while the overall stock market gained 32 percent Not many fund managers could survive a 76 percent shortfall However, the authors note that Buffett s impeccable reputation and unique structure as a corporation allowed him to stay the course and rebound as the Internet bubble burst. Buffett has boosted returns through the use of leverage, estimated at about 1 6.Buffett has stuck with his strategy for a very long time period, surviving rough periods where others might have been forced into a fire sale or a career shift. Buffett buys stocks that are safe have low beta and low volatility , cheap value stocks with low price-to-book ratios , high-quality stocks that are profitable, stable, growing and with high payout ratios , and are large They also found no exposure to the momentum factor. The study s most interesting finding was that stocks with these characteristics -- low risk cheap, and high quality -- tend to perform well in general High-quality companies, which have historically provided higher returns, especially in down markets, tend to have the following characteristics. Low earnings volatility. High asset turnover indicating efficiency. Low financial and operating leverage indicating a strong balance sheet and low macroeconomic risk. Low sp ecific stock risk volatility unexplained by macroeconomic activity. In other words, it s Buffett s strategy that generated the alpha, not his stock selection skills The authors adjusted Buffett s performance for what is called the Betting-Against-Beta BAB factor and the quality factor The authors found that once all the factors beta, size, value, momentum, BAB, quality and leverage are accounted for, a large part of Buffett s performance is explained. To demonstrate this finding, the authors created a portfolio that systematically tracks a Buffett-style portfolio and found that it performs comparably to Berkshire Hathaway -- the correlation between the systematic portfolio and Berkshire s public stock portfolio is 75 percent, meaning that the systematic portfolio explains 57 percent of the variance of the public stock portfolio. It s important to note that this finding doesn t detract in any way from Buffett s performance After all, he figured out the strategy well before the authors foun d his secret sauce As my friend and fellow author Bill Bernstein points out, being the first, or among the first, to discover a strategy that beats the market is what buys you the yachts, not copying the strategy after it s already well known and all the low-hanging fruit has been picked However, the findings do provide us with insight into why he was so successful -- it was strategy, not stock picking. Buffett s genius thus appears to be in recognizing long ago that these factors work, applying leverage without ever having to fire sale, and sticking to his principles, the authors write They note that it was Buffett himself who stated in Berkshire s 1994 annual report Ben Graham taught me 45 years ago that in investing it is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results. The authors also considered whether Buffett s skill is due to his ability to buy the right stocks versus his ability as a CEO To address this, they decomposed Berkshire s returns into a part due t o investments in publicly traded stocks and another part due to private companies run within Berkshire The idea is that the return of the public stocks is mainly driven by Buffett s stock selection skill, whereas the private companies could also have a larger element of management skill They found that the public companies performed better So it s not his skill as a manager that s responsible for his alpha However, they did find that the companies Berkshire owns provide a steady source of financing at a very low cost, allowing him to leverage his stock selection ability -- 36 percent of Buffett s liabilities consist of insurance float with an average cost below the Treasury-bill rate. Another advantage, though a less important one, is that Berkshire also appears to finance part of its capital expenditure using tax deductions for accelerated depreciation of property, plant and equipment Accelerated depreciation acts just like an interest-free loan. While the Berkshire s leverage helps, it only would boost the market s excess return of 6 1 percent to about 10 percent However, once the authors accounted for all the style factors, the alpha of Berkshire s public stock portfolio drops to a statistically insignificant annualized 0 1 percent In other words, these factors almost completely explain the performance of Buffett s public portfolio The bottom line is that we now know that Buffett s secret sauce is that he buys safe, high-quality, value stocks and applies low-cost leverage. Finally, I would add that while you don t have access to the type of low-cost leverage to which Buffett has access, you can access the other factors that created his alpha For example, Dimensional Fund Advisors, Bridgeway and AQR Capital are three providers of mutual funds that use strategies that involve a systematic and highly disciplined approach to capturing or harvesting a particular return or style premium While not index funds, their funds do fall under the broader category of what I would consider to be relatively low-cost, passively managed funds.2012 CBS Interactive Inc All Rights Reserved. Pairs trading strategy model software exotic bitcoin binary option. 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Business Card for Eyal Shahar.18004 Sky Park Cir Ste 140.About Eyal Shahar. Eyal Shahar work as an President Founder for Online Trading Academy at 18004 Sky Park Cir Ste 140 Irvine CA 92614-6427 The company s webpage is tradingacademy For email, phone number and ex ecutive profiles for President Founder and other executives of Online Trading Academy at Irvine, CA check Online Trading Academy at Joesdata Not the Eyal Shahar you are looking for Do a quick search in our website and find other people named Eyal Shahar. Identifying Drivers of Trading Strategy Performance. Building a winning strategy, like the one in the e-Mini SP500 futures described here is only half the challenge it remains for the strategy architect to gain an understanding of the sources of strategy alpha, and risk This means identifying the factors that drive strategy performance and, ideally, building a model so that their relative importance can be evaluated A more advanced step is the construction of a meta-model that will predict strategy performance and provided recommendations as to whether the strategy should be traded over the upcoming period. Strategy Performance Case Study. Lets take a look at how this works in practice Our case study makes use of the following daytrading s trategy in e-Mini futures. The overall performance of the strategy is quite good Average monthly PNL over the period from April to Oct 2015 is almost 8,000 per contract, after fees, with a standard deviation of only 5,500 That equates to an annual Sharpe Ratio in the region of 5 0 On a decent execution platform the strategy should scale to around 10-15 contracts, with an annual PNL of around 1 0 to 1 5 million. Looking into the performance more closely we find that the win rate 56 and profit factor 1 43 are typical for a profitable strategy of medium frequency, trading around 20 times per session in this case from 9 30AM to 4PM EST. Another attractive feature of the strategy risk profile is the Max Adverse Execution, the drawdown experienced in individual trades rather than the realized drawdown In the chart below we see that the MAE increases steadily, without major outliers, to a maximum of only around 1,000 per contract. One concern is that the average trade PL is rather small 20, just over 1 5 ticks Strategies that enter and exit with limit orders and have small average trade are generally highly dependent on the fill rate i e the proportion of limit orders that are filled If the fill rate is too low, the strategy will be left with too many missed trades on entry or exit, or both This is likely to damage strategy performance, perhaps to a significant degree see, for example my post on High Frequency Trading Strategies. The fill rate is dependent on the number of limit orders posted at the extreme high or low of the bar, known as the extreme hit rate In this case the strategy has been designed specifically to operate at an extreme hit rate of only around 10 , which means that, on average, only around one trade in ten occurs at the high or low of the bar Consequently, the strategy is not highly fill-rate dependent and should execute satisfactorily even on a retail platform like Tradestation or Interactive Brokers. Drivers of Strategy Performance. So far so good But befor e we put the strategy into production, lets try to understand some of the key factors that determine its performance Hopefully that way we will be better placed to judge how profitable the strategy is likely to be as market conditions evolve. In fact, we have already identified one potential key performance driver the extreme hit rate required fill rate and determined that it is not a major concern in this case However, in cases where the extreme hit rate rises to perhaps 20 , or more, the fill ratio is likely to become a major factor in determining the success of the strategy It would be highly inadvisable to attempt implementation of such a strategy on a retail platform. What other factors might affect strategy performance The correct approach here is to apply the scientific method develop some theories about the drivers of performance and see if we can find evidence to support them. For this case study we might conjecture that, since the strategy enters and exits using limit orders, it should exhibit characteristics of a mean reversion strategy, which will tend to do better when the market moves sideways and rather worse in a strongly trending market. Another hypothesis is that, in common with most day-trading and high frequency strategies, this strategy will produce better results during periods of higher market volatility Empirically, HFT firms have always produced higher profits during volatile market conditions 2008 was a banner year for many of them, for example In broad terms, times when the market is whipsawing around create additional opportunities for strategies that seek to exploit temporary mis-pricings We shall attempt to qualify this general understanding shortly For now lets try to gather some evidence that might support the hypotheses we have formulated. I am going to take a very simple approach to this, using linear regression analysis Its possible to do much more sophisticated analysis using nonlinear methods, including machine learning techniques In our regression model the dependent variable will be the daily strategy returns In the first iteration, lets use measures of market returns, trading volume and market volatility as the independent variables. The first surprise is the size of the adjusted R Square at 28 , this far exceeds the typical 5 to 10 level achieved in most such regression models, when applied to trading systems In other words, this model does a very good job of account for a large proportion of the variation in strategy returns. Note that the returns in the underlying SP50o index play no part the coefficient is not statistically significant We might expect this ours is is a trading strategy that is not specifically designed to be directional and has approximately equivalent performance characteristics on both the long and short side, as you can see from the performance report. Now for the next surprise the sign of the volatility coefficient Our ex-ante hypothesis is that the strategy would benefit from higher levels of market volatility In fact, the reverse appears to be true due to the negative coefficient How can this be On further reflection, the reason why most HFT strategies tend to benefit from higher market volatility is that they are momentum strategies A momentum strategy typically enters and exits using market orders and hence requires a major market move to overcome the drag of the bid-offer spread assuming it calls the market direction correctly This strategy, by contrast, is a mean-reversion strategy, since entry exits are effected using limit orders The strategy wants the SP500 index to revert to the mean a large move that continues in the same direction is going to hurt, not help, this strategy. Note, by contrast, that the coefficient for the volume factor is positive and statistically significant Again this makes sense as anyone who has traded the e-mini futures overnight can tell you, the market tends to make major moves when volume is light simply because it is easier to push aro und Conversely, during a heavy trading day there is likely to be significant opposition to a move in any direction In other words, the market is more likely to trade sideways on days when trading volume is high, and this is beneficial for our strategy. The final surprise and perhaps the greatest of all, is that the strategy alpha appears to be negative and statistically significant How can this be What the regression analysis appears to be telling us is that the strategys performance is largely determined by two underlying factors, volume and volatility. Lets dig into this a little more deeply with another regression, this time relating the current days strategy return to the prior days volume, volatility and market return. In this regression model the strategy alpha is effectively zero and statistically insignificant, as is the case for lagged volume The strategy returns relate inversely to the prior days market return, which again appears to make sense for a mean reversion strategy our model anticipates that, in the mean, the market will reverse the prior days gain or loss The coefficient for the lagged volatility factor is once again negative and statistically significant This, too, makes sense volatility tends to be highly autocorrelated, so if the strategy performance is dependent on market volatility during the current session, it is likely to show dependency on volatility in the prior days session also. So, in summary, we can provisionally conclude that. This strategy has no market directional predictive power rather it is a pure, mean-reversal strategy that looks to make money by betting on a reversal in the prior sessions market direction It will do better during periods when trading volume is high, and when market volatility is low. Now that we have some understanding of where the strategy performance comes from, where do we go from here The next steps might include some, or all, of the following. i A more sophisticated econometric model bringing in additional lags of the explanatory variables and allowing for interaction effects between them. ii Introducing additional exogenous variables that may have predictive power Depending on the nature of the strategy, likely candidates might include related equity indices and futures contracts. iii Constructing a predictive model and meta-strategy that would enable us assess the likely future performance of the strategy, and which could then be used to determine position size Machine learning techniques can often be helpful in this content. I will give an example of the latter approach in my next post. How to Get Started Trading Online. Stock trading online reduces the role of the middleman and lowers the cost of participating in the market For those with knowledge on how the markets work, the lower costs make it the most efficient way to buy and sell stocks. Day trading difference. Buying and selling stocks online should not be confused with day trading While this is a way to make money online for many, it is not investing for growth over time Stocks that are bought and sold in day trading are purchased solely to make a profit between the buying and selling price and are rarely held overnight However, trading online can also be used as a way to purchase stock with lower fees and an eye on longer-term growth. The advantages and disadvantages of trading online. Regardless of if a stock is purchased online or not, it is still necessary to go through a brokerage to purchase it The difference is whether the trading is done with an online discount broker or through a person with more traditional brokerage services Therefore, before looking at the mechanics of stock trading online, it is a good idea to look at its relative merits and demerits to decide if it is right for you. Costs As discount brokerages often point out, trading online offers significant cost advantages While the cost will depend on the service, account and order, orders will generally cost under 10 This is much less than traditional brokerages and can up to hefty savings for those who make more frequent trades. Lower error rates When orders are inputted verbally through another party, the chances of potently costly errors increases When trading online, the clients can input their orders directly On the other hand, those who do not have much experience with stocks may make mistakes when placing orders on their own.24 7 Although the ability to trade 24 7 may not make much difference to the average investor, it is still nice to have Please note that even online trades are not executed immediately, and there will always be a delay from the time the order is placed until when it is carried out Still, orders will generally be executed faster when trading online. In addition, with online trading, it is easier to get a history of transactions and other information about one s account at any time. More knowledge and control People work hard for their money, and it is not always a good idea to outsource decisions on how it is invested to others Nobody is going to put more thought and care into how money is invested than the person who earned it In addition, taking the time to read and learn about ways to invest your money can be a growing experience. On the other hand, some people just do not hav e the time and interest to learn about investing, or they simply do not have the confidence to be comfortable making investment decisions In these cases, a full-service broker, mutual funds or EFTs will likely be the way to go. Getting started in trading online. Anyone getting started in online trading needs to consider the following when deciding on an account. The amount that will be invested Different accounts have different investment minimums and will offer different rates Therefore, the suitability of an online broker will vary greatly with the amount invested. Experience Different brokerages will offer various levels of assistance, and needs vary with investor experience. Frequency of investing Obviously, an investor who will make more frequent trades will likely want to go with a broker that charges the lowest amount per trade On the other hand, those who will not be making many trades need to keep in mind that some brokerages will charge a fee for longer periods of account inactivi ty. Services They type of services needed will vary with the type of online trading investors intend to do In addition, some brokerages will have other services to include those typically offered by banks such as mortgage loans. Real-time stock quotes Generally, the stock trading prices and market indices given by brokerages have a 15-minute delay The brokerages do this to avoid having to pay the fees stock exchanges will charge for lives prices While the typical investor with the eye on the future will probably not need real-time quotes, those who do will have to pay more for them. Types of accounts. Some of the different types of brokerage accounts include. Cash account Cash in this basic type of account can be used to buy stock, bands, ETFs mutual fund and other types of investments. Individual, joint or custodial accounts Married people might want to go with joint accounts, and it is possible to open custodial accounts for children. Retirement accounts These have tax advantages for people who can put the money away until they retire. Margin and option accounts Margin accounts allow users to borrow against the money they have in their accounts while options accounts enable options trading These accounts are geared more for advanced investors and traders. Before trading online. Some other things to consider before every putting any money down includes. Be sure to understand the investment and terminology thoroughly Do not just take anyone s word for it Like earning money, investing it also requires some labor However, once this is accomplished it becomes possible to make the money work as hard for you as you did for it. Be sure the broker is properly licensed. Watch out for scams Thieves and manipulators have various tricks to profit illegally For example, in pump-and-dump schemes, people will send out spam emails pretending to be giving out news and tips on hot stocks If people fall for it and buy the stock, the stock prices rises Those who sent out the emails then sell their shares at a profit, but those who bought stock will see the price plummet since it is no longer being promoted. Selecting a brokerage. E-Trade, Scottrade and Ameritrade are some of the best known, but there are others in the field Those looking for a broker can start with the following reviews. The Art Of Forex Portfolio 1.this time Id like to talk you about an ebook PDF format titles The Art Of Forex Portfolio that I had the chance to read the first time more than one year ago The content now has been updated and I had the chance to re-read it lately. The ebook is quite an easy reading, but also very practical and so Im sure that those of you that want to learn how to build a portfolio will surely find it very useful. The author of the ebook are Joseph Seelentag and Daniel Peleg I didnt had the chance to talk with them, but I liked a lot the ebook and sooner or later Ill contact them. By reading the ebook its easy to understand that they know what they are saying as things are detailed but easy enough to be understood by anyone That can only happen when you have a full knowledge of what youre explaining. The book is dividide into a few chapters 15.Chapter 1 is an overview of the book and presentation of the authors. Chapter 2 is an introduction to Forex and a briefly to MT4 and ZuluTrade platform. Chapter 3 introduces a few basic concepts like risk reward and divesification. Chapter 4 is dedicated to analyzing and classify the diffent trading strategies short term, medium-long term, grid trading and miscellaneous. Chapter 5 explaing how to select the strategies to be putted in our portfolio based on the type of strategy, the timeframe that they use and the currency pair that they work on analyzing a little the concept of correlations between them. Chapter 6 is dedicated to the explainantion of the long process of portfolio testing and otpimization WIth MT4 things are not easy as we cant backtest optimize EAs on multiple pairs so here are also explained a few tricks that can b e used to have then a global porfolio analysis. Chapter 7 shows in what MT5 will be better than MT4 and what we can do with it that we actually cant with MT4 MT5 infact has a more advanced portfolio approach. Chapter 8 is probably one of the most important ones and is dedicated to portfolio balancing It explains how to control risk and equity curves so that our portfolio gives the smoothest possible equity line Itll also analyze the compatibility of strategies based on the graphical look of their equity lines A note about that with experiece youll learn tha the equity line gives you a LOT of informations about the strategy behind it There are typical equity lines that are strictly related to strategies And each strategy has usually a tupical risk profile. Chapter 9 teaches you how to run multiple strategies together by focusing on those that are the technical problems related to that Magic Numbers, settings, profiles, etc. Chapters 10-11-12 switch the attention from the Metatrader platform to the ZuluTrade platform It is a sort of signal service that can be managed via web They teach you how to manage a ZuluTrade portfolio and describe you some ready-made ones. Chapter 13 talks about portfolio and account monitoring. Chapters 14-15 close the ebook talking about signal services and conclusions. The core of the ebook are chapters 4, 5, 6 and 8 Those 4 chapters will give you many of the informations you need to start analyzing EAs performances and strategies, starting trying to put things together the right way and balance them so that the result the portfolio gives you a smooth equity line that is our main goal. Most of the steps described in the ebook are the ones Im taking in building our trading portfolio for 2011.The ebook is not cheap 97 and its not a mandatory reading for being a succesful automatic trader, but surely will give you a good starting background. note class info If you want to buy it you can do from this link. FREE Forex Binary Options System That Uses Bollinger Bands And Stochastic Oscillator. You can use this strategy for scalping as well as trading binary options Binary Options are much easier to trade as compared to forex However, just like forex you need a system with a high winrate if you really want to make money with binary options Many vendors are selling signals for binary options at a high price With this simple FREE Forex Binary Options System, you will be able to generate your own signals any time of the day whenever you have around 30-60 minutes of spare time So in this post, we will discuss a very simple binary options system This system can also be used for scalping forex Infact, I had developed this system for scalping on the M5 timeframe but now I also use it to trade binary options with a high winrate of 90 Lets discuss this system in detail You should have some idea of how to spot divergences because this syst em basically uses divergences to make the trading decisions Divergence develops when the price action and the indicator move in opposite direction Below is a screenshot of this system in action on M5 timeframe. First you need to install Bollinger Bands with the usual setting on your chart We will use the Stochastic Oscillator with the setting of 5,3,3 for spotting divergences As you can see in the above screenshot we spotted a bearish divergence Check that the price is touching the upper Bollinger Band before entering into a trade The price is indeed touching the upper Bollinger Band So we buy a one hour GBP USD put and wait for one hour to check whether we won or lost We did win as the above screenshot indicates Now, the second screenshot below shows that after nearly 1 and a half hour, a bullish divergence appeared on the chart This time the price is below the lower Bollinger Band This means we are going to buy a one hour GBP USD call this time Check after one hour, we had won the tra de. You will get many many signals with this system daily After one and a half hour their is another bearish divergence appearing on the chart Price action is above the upper Bollinger Band You have another setup for a trade Buy a one hour GBP USD put option After one hour you had made 85.You might be wondering why this system works This simple system works because it uses a simple law of statistics Price action cannot deviate from the mean for long This deviation of the price from the mean is being measured by the Bollinger Bands The upper Bollinger Band is 2 deviations above the mean and the lower Bollinger Band is 2 deviations below the mean So when the price touches these bands, it tries revert to the mean While reverting to the mean, most of the time it overshoots and touches the other band When it does it changes direction and again tries to revert to the mean and in the process now touches the other band and the process continues all day long. Now generating your own signals can b e a time consuming process In the beginning, you need a lot of practice in order to generate winning signals This takes time and can be tiring as well You can try these Binary Options Trading Signals and trade live with a pro trader Franco on a daily basis You not only make money but you also learn how to trade binary options like a pro. 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Product version Lync 2013.We are excited to announce the release of the Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit RASK RASK is a comprehensive guide based on a flexible, repeatable methodology and can be used for initial Lync rollouts, as new workloads are being deployed, or between version upgrades. RASK represents the next evolution of deployment and adoption focused methodologies resources previously put forth in several disparate kits, including the Lync Adoption Trainin g Kit and the Pilot Success Kit RASK can be easily modified to accommodate both small and large organizations or adjusted, based on an organizations current deployment status. Whats included in RASK. RASK is designed around an end-to-end product lifecycle, from initial project planning through sustained operations It is organized into an easy-to-follow 5x5 approach, with five phases and five focus areas. 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Change management can be the biggest obstacle when rolling out a new technology Ensuring a positive end user experience is one of the most crucial success factors driving optimized ROI and customer satisfaction with Lync The degree of change and impact to an end-user is often overlooked, resulting in poor product reception, limited Lync adoption, and increased escalations Thoughtful communications, effective awareness generation, and end-user training can drive deep utilization and habitual use of Lync It can also help organizations translate their business goals into an actionable and results-driven solution The most successful customers incorporate readiness and end-user adoption components across the Lync deployment lifecycle. Who should use Lync RASK. Those on the project team accountable for rolling out Lync will find value in RASK Team members typically include. Project Managers IT Pros responsible for scoping and managing the overall rol lout project, starting with the Proof of Concept and Pilot phases. Marketing Managers responsible for designing and executing a full-fledged awareness campaign. Training Managers responsible for developing and delivering training strategy. Support Managers responsible for ensuring their support agents and processes are in place and ready for end-user consumption. Operations Managers responsible for ongoing maintenance and management of Lync. Where to access Lync RASK. While the technical deployment of Lync is a critical step toward achieving your goals and ROI, it is not the only step Without deep user adoption, Lync can quickly become just another desktop icon Lync RASK is designed to offer guidance and resources to help you drive fast and sustained adoption and achieve maximum results with your Lync rollout Leverage the Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit to get started with your rollout and adoption planning today. Free Live Trading Webinars. Whether you are looking for a forex webin ar or if it is stock and futures trading that takes your fancy, you can start learning today from the comfort of your own home today with Trade With Precisions free trading webinars Since 2006, Trade With Precision have trained tens of thousands of traders via many mechanisms from dedicated forex seminars to Trading Symposiums, market commentary and online futures trading courses We have built a huge n umber of members in our trading community which you can become a part of today by joining one of our free webinars below Trade With Precision is proud to have spoken for some of the worlds largest financial exchanges such as NYSE Liffe, ICE and the CME Group as well as numerous brokers around the world on an ongoing basis. How To Trade Forex With Precision. View FREE trading newsletter content from the TWP professional trading team. Precision Universal LP All rights reserved.5 Things You Need to Know to Make Tons of The Elder Scrolls Gold. Elder Scrolls Online is one of the hottest new talke d about MMORPGs to hit the virtual world to date This massive online game is just about to hit the gaming world with a release for PC and yes even MAC computers in April of 2014 Enthusiasts of console gaming will be able to expand their gaming to the Xbox One, and Playstation 4 in June of 2014 ESO has at least 3 main reasons to play And Just like every other virtual gaming world Elder Scrolls Online has its very own gaming currency for players to earn and purchase items needed to expand their game play. Here are 5 of the most important things to know in order to make the Elder Scrolls Online Currencies.1 Everyone needs gold to afford new weaponry or that snazzy new armor for the next level, and the easiest, yet most time consuming, way to obtain that gold is by doing quests.2 Stockpile for the bigger things and make friends Communities are easy to join and group quests give bigger pay offs than going it alone Weapons and armor vary in price and often can be extremely pricey at higher le vels and that stockpile will dwindle quick on much needed items for end quests.3 Sell, Sell, Sell, Sell One of the biggest mistakes that many players make is that they their old items are worthless Other, newer players will want those items and in some cases they will pay big for them which is the important secret to become rich in TESO Be careful about pricing items too high though as it will run off a newbie pretty quick, and remember that they will often have less currency to spend on items than players who have been around a while While there may not be an actual auction house in the game to sell items players can trade with one another to make transactions of buying and selling to one another easy.4 Get your skills on Another way to make precious gold in the Elder Scrolls Online game is to become a crafter or gatherer Do research and find out what the hottest item is at the time and put your person to work Players will pay big for goods that are in high demand Never throw out any gathered items if it can be helped Even the most basic of items can be used at one point or another for crafting.5 Steal it That is not a joke Thieves are one of the only classes that can make money by selling stolen items in the game Killing off enemies is another way to steal, or loot, game currency Tips to farm gold through killing monsters could be seen here. Forex Trading Book LMT Forex Formula Review. LMT Forex Formula Review Not Only A Forex Trading Book. LMT Forex Formula is actually not only a Forex Trading Book plus tutorials that discuss a very effective forex trading method but it is also a Forex program software that enables you to make 82 accurate perfect trades, in order for you to profit from the Forex market, with the least amount of effort, or almost no effort at all. The software does all the tasks of observations, as well as analysis on behalf of you, providing you with the trades that make the most profits All you need is as little time as fifteen minutes a day 15mins in order to start reaping the profits the software brings in. Forex Trading Book - LMT Forex Formula. In case you were wondering what does LMT stand for well, it is an abbreviation for Low Management Trading which perfectly stands for what the program is all about by making the computer do all the difficult hassle and work for you, earning 100s of dollars a minute would be as easy as typing in some few values, then doing a few mouse clicks. Not only that, but this product comes with some other forex SOLID material His Forex Trading Book and Manual discuss Forex Trading and goes stratight to the point towards his proven forex strategy The methods discussed and explained in his forex trading book and tutorials, have been rumoured to be the strongest in the industry with his own LMT Forex Formula strategy being the strongest of them all. No one yet knows about this strategy except for his customers P S The product is going to be taken off the market soon anytime, as per insiders sources revea led This is to keep competition at minimum and as per the wish of Dean Saunders the author and developer himself. Now, a lot of you wanted to know more about the software provided with this package, so here goes. With this economic downtime hoovering over all of us, it is about time to find new ways to make money, to secure one s life and future Forex learning is the target of many, since everyday thousands of people are looking for a reliable forex trading book or forex course softwares etc Financial security is important nowadays The LMT Forex Formula offers you with this essential security, while all it takes is just an easy download, installation, and fifteen minutes a day worth of trading operation. Feedback Product Overview. LMT Forex Formula does all the tedious tasks for you, but at the same time keeps things under your own control This balance is essential to keep the software worth what you pay for it, and is the major reason why this program received an overall rating of FOUR st ars 4.Visit the LMT Forex Formula Web-site to grab the program and witness with your own eyes how it really is worth every penny you invest in it. Feedbacks from Actual Customers. Contrary to other forex robots, you dont need to leave your PC on all day, or have a hosting service You can turn your computer on five minutes before you want to look at the trades and be ready to go Then turn it off once again after you have placed the trades you desire, without the need to worry about your PC staying on or your hosting expense Review from an actual user from forexworldreviews dot com. LMT is very well-designed and setup Robots are not trustworthy and Dean knows this This is why the LMT program has two parts.1- A software that makes suggests about the trade for you to make.2- You placing that trade yourself You have TOTAL control. You dont even need to keep your PC on 24 7 like with other forex robots Just turn it on when you need to look for trades, place your trades, check your profits, etc and turn it off when you no longer need it on An actual customer review from lmtforexformulareview dot net. I have been testing it on 10 pairs with good success In 3 weeks of forex trading, I have had five trades that have been executed and closed Of those trades 3 were wins, 1 loss, and 1 break even The result from these five trades, is that the account is up 413 pips Portion of a review from ezinearticles dot com. Works great with Higher Timeframe Very accurate and precise in pinpointing the end of a market-retracing Segment of a review posted by forex-trading-study. Our Own Research Suggestion on LMT Forex Formula. LMT Forex Formula has proven several times to be a rare unique jewel compared to the usual Forex robots in the sense that you still make the trades yourself, ensuring that the money you invest into your trading endeavors is still ultimately in your hands. Conclusion and Final Vote. The control the program still offers you, despite its capacity and ability to do all the other drudging parts of Forex analysis for you, means that the final decision is still in your hands However, this sometimes makes for some human errors, allowing us to conclude that this software deserves a 4 star rating. Add to that, the forex trading book manual, plus the bonus ebooks and tutorials that come along with this package, contain the most solid forex info material to be found, no question. Details of Product. Wh at is A Book vs B book in Forex trading. Forex is different from equities or futures trading because your broker can choose to trade against you This is known as B booking When your broker sends all your trades to the real market or their liquidity providers, this is known as A Booking. In futures or equities trading, all your trades are sent to the exchange and matched with other buyers or sellers. In Forex, your broker can keep your trades in house This means that your trades are not sent to the real market Instead, your broker bets against you, taking the other side of the trade. For example, if you were to buy 1 lot of EURUSD at 1 35000, then your broker would be selling 1 lot of EURUSD 1 35000 If you win, your broker loses, vice versa. This simple diagram shows how your broker and B book or A book your trades. Why do Forex brokers B book. A B book business model is a very profitable one Statistics says that 90 of traders lose their deposits within 6 months The statistics favour the broke r significantly. Best Forex Books. Best Trading Forex Books Reviews. We are constantly searching for a best forex book forex trading books that can be especially useful for a currency trader We will select absolutely the best forex book to be featured here. Recommended Best Forex Book. This this is the best and the most complete forex trading book and a must read for any new or experienced forex trader. Have you lost money trading forex Then reading this book will help you to understand why and how this can be corrected Find what separates the best forex traders from the rest of losers. From the Review of the. Secrets of High-Yield Currency Trading. Having recently started trading Forex, I have been avidly devouring as many books as I can to increase my toolkit Some are good, some are bad and some are downright ugly, but Secrets of High-Yield Currency Trading by Edward Mellar has been a revelation. This is the perfect trading book to bridge the gap between beginners guide and technical manual It deals with the fundamentals thoroughly but what I really liked was the fact that it presents you with good, solid strategies for successful trading and focuses on furnishing you with real techniques for dealing with real life situations. It is written in easy-to-understand language while providing advanced strategies to help you analyse technical data Edward is an analyst to the core but he manages to make the complicated area of fundamental analysis easy to comprehend, and provides some good, solid techniques in clear and concise language. The author has a solid trading background and is not afraid to share his lows as well as his highs He includes lots of useful information about how to avoid traps and scams and there is a large section on risk management. This is an easy-to-follow guide that I will be referring to for some time to help steer me through the maze of currency trading. All in all, a superb bible for any Forex trader, from beginner to pro. ProAct publishes a quarterly newsle tter full of trading tips as well as informative articles They are published in PDF format for download If you do not have this software, you can get a free Adobe Acrobat PDF file reader by clicking here Click on the Newsletter link you want to review below. ProAct Traders FAll 2015 Newsletter PDF - 1 Fantastic article from a trader. Live Customer Chat NOT for Tech Support. Got a Quick Question. If the icon below says Chat we are probably online we re human, sometimes we forget to log off - if not click the Email icon to send us a message. NOTE W e do not monitor the chat box for Tech Support Click here to get Tech Support and follow the prompts. Hitech Strategies specializes in providing business plan, strategy, business development and go-to-market services to technology companies Our objective is to enable our customers to raise funds, execute the right strategy and to reach their objectives more rapidly and more predictably. We don t just provide excellent advice we leverage our vast expe rience and proven success record, to provide our clients with outstanding value, by conducting an in-depth strategic analysis, evaluating all alternatives, and designing practical plans to achieve goals. Arbitrage FX Robot in Scalping. Within Forex lingo the technique that the Arbitrage FX Robot utilizes is known as scalping It s 100 lawful, and frequently utilized by skilled investors to create cash if you take several pips revenue at any given time My personal scalping technique enables mainly lucrative deals to become open up because the Robot understands the actual path from the cost proceed next couple of seconds The actual query is just how much this can make Occasionally just one or two pips However from time to time actually 10 or even 20 pips in only 1, 2, as much as thirty mere seconds Therefore view the actual deals very carefully, because you may not really discover all of them Therefore quick may be the Arbitrage FX Robot. Click Here to Download A NEW Trading Tool and Strateg y For FREE. 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BEST FOREX EAS ARBITRAGE. download arbritage ea. download forex arbitrage ea. ea arbitrage scalping adalah. EA Scalping Arbitrage.100 win ea forex. Online trading account - iifl. Re Online trading account - iifl. It took almost 2 months to close the a c They deducted an amt of Rs 250 - from ledger balance I can not understand as to why ILFS is not transpar ent, why they promise one thing while opening a c and another thing when trnsaction starts Ofcourse, I have come across some other brokers too who are cunny crafty and non-transparent but IFLS is leader amongst such brokers By doing so, they only lose customers Why Sharekhan is still a leading broking house inspite of higher brokerage and poor Trade Tiger Bcoz, they are more transparent and customer friendly Why I closed a c with India Infoline, inspite of lower brokerage they offered me after I complained to NSE Bcoz, I found that they are not transparent, features of their S w is not a match to Poor Trade Tiger or PIB How they are not transparent Before opening A c I was assured there would not be any charges But after signing the form, I was made to pay 555 - After opening the a c I was charged highest brokerage as compared to the prevailing brokerages, as against promised lower charges When I realised their trick, I tried to close the a c and sent them delivery Instruction to trans fer the shares, it was turned down inspite of my making 1 year s advance DP charges citing insufficient ledger balance Ultimately what happened I incurred loss just by falling prey to this tricky broking house as I did hardly continued with them inspite of paying 550 A c Opening 660 1 years DP charges and 250 - while closing the account Besides I sold the shares held with them, at loss I curse this broking house For nothing I lost money to them Had they been transparent, they could have earned more brokerage from me as my volume is not low Besides, I am sure, those who read my educative and informative messages through Traderji must have discouraged atleast few clients from opening account with them. All times are GMT 5 5 The time now is 02 35 PM. Indemnity, Disclaimer I do not think is anyway a small broking house but large enough to gain confidence of investors but their practise is enough to discourage investors like me to continue with them Besides, I do not think, small is bad Bcz, every one grows from small to big Take Reliance Empire as example Similarly, big need not be reliable Big can become bigger and if not managed well can also become smaller But there always are chances for small one to grow big or bigger Hence, all depends upon sincerity and honesty of those who manage. I trade with SSKI and India Bulls I pay trade more with SSKI and pay higher brokerage to SSKI just because their customer service is good and features of the software are good At the same time, I find that their Sw is poor as compared to PIB of India Bulls PIB is good But its features are not as good as SSKI I pay lowest brokerage to India Bull So, if money matters which is yes to every one one would go for lower brokerage but at the same time look for good facility and reliability. Money is monostrous It does miracles See, how every day we see ACB at work Inspite of being caught on daily basis, still people opt corruption route shamelessly because of greedy for money. One day, I sold 50 sh ares at a particular price at India Bull and SSKI The net difference was Rs 15 - more in IB as compared to SSKI. India Bull, therefore, seems to be good option I had made few suggestions to upgrade PIB but so far, they are not concerned. Budgeting For Training. What Does It Cost. Legend - Least Expensive, - More Expensive, - Most Expensive. Creating a Training Budget. Budgeting for training does not mean using surplus money when it s available Instead, you should build a separate line item for training into your yearly budget A training budget should include the following costs. Initial communication about the training program. Training delivery e g classes, video tutorials, e-learning, course fees. Training materials workbooks, videos. Staff time including replacement time. Travel, lodging or meal expenses required to participate. Ongoing training upkeep. Managing the Budget. Once approved, your training budget will need careful management to ensure that costs stay on track Unforeseen events can le ad to changing costs A specially trained staff member might unexpectedly leave the company before their knowledge is passed on to others Training costs will increase if you need to rely on external resources. How Much to Spend. Many large organizations commit to investing anywhere from two to five percent of salary budgets back into training While that may not be realistic for you, it s important to find a number you feel your budget can absorb Base the figure you ll use on your needs analysis. You may be tempted to use the least expensive trainers or training materials available Often, using b level resources produces b results Increase the likelihood of success by always striving for A s Use the best caliber training you can afford. Depending on the size of your staff, you may find training costs add up quickly Here are some ways you can save on costs. Group training earn volume discounts by training numerous employees at once sometimes as few as three participants will qualify. Re-use mat erials training materials such as videos have a long shelf life and may be used repeatedly. Teach one, teach all spend on off-site training for one employee, but have him or her present their knowledge to remaining staff. E-learning electronic options are cheaper than traditional, instructor-led training. Another tip is to negotiate free or reduced-cost training from your vendors, who will be happy to help you if it means their product will be successful. Remember, the right training program will save you money in the long run. Don t forget that employee commitment is necessary for training to succeed One way to ensure employees take the effort seriously is to have those getting specialized training to share the cost Employees who have made a personal investment in learning will be more focused on completing the task. If you are footing the bill, get employees to commit to working for you for a specified period of time following the training s completion Let them know you will require reimbu rsement if they aren t able to fulfill the agreement. It is also important to have full support for training efforts from senior people in your organization If they understand the long-term value of employee development, they should be able to help by earmarking funds for training. Cent account Forex as an alternative to the demo account. Options trading in the Forex market One of them is the cent account Forex This is especially significant for Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, as in the West, as a rule, people are more affluent and open an account Forex is not very relevant. Of course, every rule has an exception, which we still say And in general the cent account Forex demo account is an alternative, as you can see, how to trade without risking greater means But at the same time, we should not forget that the Forex market is associated with psychology. All trade is suffused with emotions, without which there can be no single trader On demo account all correspond to reality except one you do not risk their own means And if you alarm with demo, then this can play with you Therefore, most traders prefer a demo account, Forex, since cent account ere you do not lose a lot of money, but in such trade will be all attributes inherent in real trading on Forex with big cash amount But let us all in order. Cent Forex account is a special account in the dealing Centre conditions for this account, see here , which can be traded on the international foreign exchange market, but only a limited amount of resources. For example, all of the ECN Forex trading transactions vary in the range of 100000 units of currency If the same trigger example cent account Forex, it is considerably lower, hence the size of transactions will be lower Due to the occurrence of such a service to trade in the foreign exchange market are individuals whose capital of about 100 and below. There are differences and requirements of margin But, as we mentioned above, cent accounts at Forex trading not only c urrency dealing, but novices and professionals who want to test any strategy. Furthermore, additional facilities created by the fact that the size of the committed transactions in the Forex market will be the hundredth part of a standard lot This significantly reduces the risk that is inherent in the foreign exchange market For example, in the future, you plan to open an account at the 2000 United States, but at the moment you only learn the trade on the Forex market or maybe you are testing a new strategy for Forex, risking a bit of money now is not necessary, you can open the cent account on 2000 cents 20 and as an ordinary trading account. All users who trade Forex for cent accounts are using the same software MetaTrader, which are standard trade It turns out that in the first and in the second case, users get a similar service The only difference is that the service of this miniature volumes. In order to start trading Forex account, the cent you need to credit the funds to your accoun t, after which you can begin bidding. If you want to open a regular account, the procedure for transferring Media TV, most brokers are pretty simple Enough to transfer money from your trading account to a dollar account. Cent account forex broker, stock market crazybobs. What is Micro Cent account Trading in US cents Minimum deposit 1 Spread from 1 pip Automatic execution No commission Position size from 0 01 The fact is that many traders work with brokers, because their standard account funds are in any case to be withdrawn somewhere as for the cent accounts Choose the account type, which is best for you Fix-Cent Forex cent account with Fix For ECN-FixSpread NDD, there is no brokerage commission for trading. Cent account forex broker. The fact is that many traders work with brokers, because their standard account funds are in any case to be withdrawn somewhere as for the cent accounts In 2006, the LiteForex company was the first in the world to offer the cent accounts The technology of cen t accounts was initially intended for developing and Simply choose one of the accounts Cent or Cent NDD and take a few minutes to register Perfect for those, who have decided to try their hand in the Forex market, on risking only 1-10 Trading is not suitable for all investors and traders. stock market crazybobs. Cent accounts are trading accounts in the foreign exchange market whose deposit is The disadvantage of cent accounts is that the majority of Forex brokers FXTM Global Online Forex Broker Trade forex in cents with FXTM Cent Account At ForexTime FXTM the Cent Account is available on Standard MT4.F G Scriven, Chile. Disclaimer and Risk Warning Please read. Risk Warning Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. Disclaimer All information posted on this website is of our opinion and the opinion of our visitors, and may not reflect the truth Please use your own good judgment and seek advice from a qualified consultant, before believing and accepting any information posted on this website We also reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any post for any reason. Advertisements Warning Advertisement links are displayed throughout the site Some pages in the site may contain affiliate links for products These advertisements and or links do not reflect the opinion, endorsement, or concurrence of this website or affiliated parties The FPA s reviews are never influenced by adverti sing Some ads might contain potentially misleading and or unbalanced claims and information that may fail to disclose risks and other important considerations involved in speculative trading. Spammers be Warned If you spam the FPA s forums or reviews, we reserve the right to edit your post in any way we please to make fun of you By spamming us, you agree to any edits we make and to take no legal or other actions against the FPA or its associates for anything we do to or with your spam. ForexPeaceArmy All rights Reserved. Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA, and the FPA Shield Logo are all trademarks of the Forex Peace Army All rights reserved under US and international law. Forex Peace Army relies on banner advertising to keep it FREE for all You can help too - please consider disabling AdBlocker while browsing our site Thank you from our traders community. A Look At Exit Strategies. Money management is one of the most important and least understood aspects of trading Many traders, for ins tance, enter a trade without any kind of exit strategy and are therefore more likely to take premature profits or, worse, run losses Traders need to understand what exits are available to them and know how to create an exit strategy that will help minimize losses and lock in profits. There are obviously only two ways you can get out of a trade by taking a loss or by making a gain When talking about exit strategies, we use the terms take-profit and stop-loss orders to refer to the kind of exit being made Sometimes these terms are abbreviated as T P and S L by traders. Stop-losses, or stops, are orders you can place with your broker to sell equities automatically at a certain point, or price When this point is reached, the stop-loss will immediately be converted into a market order to sell These can be helpful in minimizing losses if the market moves quickly against you. There are several rules that apply to all stop-loss orders. Stop-losses are always set above the current asking price on a buy or below the current bid price on a sell. Nasdaq stop-losses become a market order once the stock is quoted at the stop-loss price. AMEX and NYSE stop-losses enable you to have rights to the next sale on the market when the price trades at the stop price. There are three types of stop-loss orders. Good till canceled GTC - This type of order stands until an execution occurs or until you manually cancel the order. Day order - The stop-loss expires after one trading day. Trailing stop - This stop-loss follows at a set distance from the market price, but never moves downward. Take-profit, or limit orders are similar to stop-losses in that they are converted into market orders to sell when the point is reached Moreover, take-profit points adhere to the same rules as stop-loss points in terms of execution in the NYSE, Nasdaq and AMEX exchanges. There are, however, two differences. There is no trailing point Otherwise, you would never be able to realize a profit. The exit point must be set above t he current market price, instead of below. Developing an Exit Strategy. There are three things that must be considered when developing an exit strategy The first question you should ask yourself is, How long am I planning on being in this trade Secondly, How much risk am I willing to take And finally, Where do I want to get out. How Long Am I Planning to Be in This Trade. The answer to this question depends on what type of trader you are If you are in it for the long-term for more than one month , then you should focus on the following. Setting profit targets to be hit in several years, which will restrict your amount of trades. Developing trailing stop-loss points that allow for profits to be locked in every so often in order to limit your downside potential Remember, often the primary goal of long-term investors is to preserve capital. Taking profit in increments over a period of time to reduce volatility while liquidating. Allowing for volatility so that you keep your trades to a minimum. Cr eating exit strategies based on fundamental factors geared towards the long term. If, however, you are in a trade for the short-term, you should concern yourself with these things. Setting near-term profit targets that execute at opportune times to maximize profits Here are some common execution points. Pivot point levels. Fibonacci Gann levels. Trend line breaks. Any other technical points. Developing solid stop-loss points that immediately get rid of holdings that don t perform. Creating exit strategies based on technical or fundamental factors affecting the short-term. How Much Risk Am I Willing to Take. Risk is an important factor when investing When determining your risk level you are determining how much you can afford to lose This will determine the length of your trade and the type of stop-loss you will use Those who want less risk tend to set tighter stops and those who assume more risk give more generous downward room. Another important thing to do is to set your stop-loss points so tha t they are kept from being set off by normal market volatility This can be done several ways The beta indicator can give you a good idea of how volatile the stock is relative to the market in general If this number is within zero and two, then you will be safe with a stop-loss point at around 10 to 20 lower than where you bought However, if the stock has a beta upwards of three, you might want to consider setting a lower stop-loss, or finding an important level to rely on such as a 52-week low moving average or other significant point. Where Do I Want to Get Out. Why, you may ask, would you want to set a take-profit point, where you sell when your stock is performing well Well, many people become irrationally attached to their holdings and hold these equities when the underlying fundamentals of the trade have changed On the flip side, traders sometimes worry and sell their holdings even when there has been no change in underlying fundamentals Both of these situations can lead to losses a nd missed profit opportunities Setting a point at which you will sell takes the emotion out of trading. The exit point itself should be set at a critical price level For long-term investors, this is often at a fundamental milestone - such as the company s yearly target For short-term investors, this is often set at technical points, such as certain Fibonacci levels, pivot points or other such points. Putting It into Action. Exit points are best entered immediately after the primary trade is placed Traders can enter their exit points in one of two ways. Most brokers trading platforms have the functionality that allows for entering orders Alternatively, many brokers allow you to call them to place entry points with them There is one exception, however - many brokers do not support trailing-stops As a result, you may have to recalculate and change your stop-loss at certain time intervals for example, every week or month. Those who do not have the functionality that allows for entering orders c an use a different technique Limit orders also execute at certain price levels By putting in a limit order to sell the same amount of shares that you hold, you effectively place a stop-loss or take-profit point because the two positions will cancel each other out. The Bottom Line. Exit strategies and other money management techniques can greatly enhance your trading by eliminating emotion and reducing risk Before you enter a trade, consider the three questions listed above and set a point at which you will sell for a loss, and a point at which you will sell for a gain. Strategy Video Dollar and S The NFP report is Friday s top event risk, and it has volatility elements GDP and the FOMC didn t. A status quo Fed balanced the 1Q growth report, but the employment data can offset this stability. Our first concern in this event risk is how market moving it will be for FX and capital markets. Expect breakouts Use the DailyFX Breakout 2 strategy to signal or confirm setups Watch this event release l ive with David Rodriguez in DailyFX-Plus. The final trading day of the week will keep traders on their toes with the release of the April US NFPs A dense round of economic releases through Wednesday - the peak of activity this week - resulted in little of the reversal in volatility and trend that we hoped for, but the labor data can provide another spark for this arrid market With interest rate expectations and risk trends trying desperately to cling to fading ranges and evaporating fundamental reasoning, a meaningful gust of wind from this report can tap a deeper well of uncertainty We look at what is important in this event risk and the trading plan around it in today s Strategy Video. Sign up for Johns email distribution list, here. Brokers with credit card funding. Join Date Mar 2007 Location Johannesburg, South Africa Posts 4,618.They take credit cards via PayPal. It never ever takes longer than one hour most of the time thirty minutes for the deposit to reflect in your account and the admin staff are very helpful they have made funds available in my account within five minutes on one or two occasions when I was facing a margin call and contacted them immediately after making the PayPal deposit. More importantly - when you want funds from your account it is almost instantaneous from the time that they receive your faxed instruction On two occasions they have sent funds to me from my account within an hour of course it took longer for the funds to get from PayPal to my credit card but that is not GCI s fault - their transfer to me showed up on PayPal within and hour of my request. The trading platform is by far the best and most logical of any that I have tried out of at least eight i e no unecessary bells and whistles, no Java, etc etc. Do not try and trade the news with them by placing stops at strategic positions - the stops will get triggered just before the big rate change - unless you are prepared to put up wider stops and make less profit - then you re OK - and I can tell you that this is not only GCI It even happens with the non-dealing desk brokers I know - tried and tested. The news feed does not work and I think this has something to do with my observation above - they do not want you to trade the news in my opinion No problem there either - trying to trade the news has made me more losses than profits thanks to all the expert analysis which is always non-commital anyway. Many people have complained about requotes from them This only happens during news times and with exotic pairs or with commodites such as Gold where the price spikes every couple of seconds Order execution of for example EUR USD, GBP USD, and USD JPY is instantaneous. And no - I do not work for them - and am not an affiliate although I should be getting commission for all the praises Hell - I am down about 8 000 00 now since opening my account but that is my fault - not theirs. And I have a live account so I know what I m talking about. Hope this helps. Last edited by dpaterso 04-21-2007 at 05 48 AM. Strategies for Effective Training and Education in Information Technology IT. This article overviews my experiences helping to train and educate people in IT skills such as object-orientation, Unified Modeling Language UML Agile Database Techniques and agile software development in general Throughout this article I ll use the example of learning agile development techniques but as you can see the advice can easily be generalized to learning any new technique or paradigm In fact, this material is adapted from my fourth book More Process Patterns the focus of which was object technology. Table of Contents.1 The Realities of Training and Education. I d like start by saying that there is no magic when it comes to TE It takes time for people to learn things, and often years for them to master it For example, it takes several months for a person to gain a working understanding of Extreme Programming XP , and potentially another year or two for them to become truly expert at the process Agile software development is a whole new paradigm, one that you cannot pickup overnight. A second issue is that people learn differently Sometimes people respond best to hands-on training, whiles others prefer lecture-style instruction Some people like computer-based training CBT and others work best in learning teams Successful TE programs are flexible enough to support various learning styles.2 The Training and Education Lifecycle. Figure 1 depicts an approach to TE which I have found useful The square boxes represent activities which usually occur within the scope of a project, the rounded rectangles are typically associated with the people management efforts within your organization This approach is comprised of six activities. Figure 1 The Training and Education Lifecycle. It is critical that you get IT professionals the right TE at the right time, and the only way that you can do this is through regular assessment of their skills To do this successfully you must. Direc tly involve the staff member Minimally, you need to find out what their goals are and where they think that they need to improve their skills Better yet, they may have a very good idea as to what training that they need, opinions which they gained through talking with the colleagues and their own research. Assess regularly Although many organizations will update a person s skills as part of their annual staff review, this often isn t sufficient It s unlikely that you ll identify the training courses that someone will need on a project starting in August during their annual review in December of the previous year Good points to assess someone s skills include during their regular staff review, at the beginning of a project, and when they think that they need an assessment done. Keep the assessment simple The best way to do a skills assessment is to simply have the staff member sit down and have a discussion with one or more experienced people that understand both the person s current skil ls as well as what is needed to do their job successfully. Go at it from different angles An experienced team lead may be able to give someone good advice for what TE then need to become a better Visual Basic programmer, but may not be able to provide good advice when it comes to communication skills Remember, there are different categories of IT skills.2 2 Provide Specific Introductory Training. IT professionals need specific, introductory training, on new subjects A serious mistake that I see many organizations make is that they assume that because someone is in a senior position that they don t need introductory training For example, an experienced Java programmer could very likely benefit from a two-day introductory course in user interface design and a senior executive an introduction to Extreme Programming XP.2 3 Provide Mentoring and Hands-on Experience. Once the initial training is complete, your staff is ready to begin applying their new skills It is at this point that many organ izations run into trouble because they mistakenly believe that their staff now has the necessary skills to do the job on their own Often, nothing could be further from the truth Would you send somebody to a couple of accounting courses and give them control of your organizations finances Would you send somebody to a couple of marketing courses and put them in charge of your advertising campaign Would you somebody to a couple of law courses and then have them defend you in court Of course not Therefore, why would you send somebody to a couple of agile software development courses and expect them to develop mission-critical software with their new found skills. After initial training is complete developers are now qualified to be mentored by someone experienced in the subject The objective of mentoring is to have someone who is experienced guide novices through the learning process, showing them how to use the new techniques in practice The mentoring effort should be performed on an actua l development project, one in which the trainee is given the opportunity to apply and evolve the skills that they received during training The best mentors have several years of experience in the technique, have mentoring experience, and have good communication skills. For mentoring to be successful your mentors must be qualified to do the job Did you ever take a college course where the instructor was ahead of the students in reading the textbook by only a chapter or two Or a commercial training course where the instructor just got back from the train the trainer version of the course Wasnt a very good learning experience, was it The same thing applies to mentors mentors must have experience in what they are teaching The bottom line is that good mentors have communication skills and several years of experience in what they are mentoring If you do not have people with the skills, and many organizations still do not, youll need to hire from the outside. Mentors should participate as activ e members of your project team, not just as teachers For a mentor to be a productive member of the team you will need a ratio of one mentor for every two or three novices, anything more and the mentor will be too busy mentoring to get anything done on your project There is nothing wrong with this, as long as there are other experienced people available to develop the complex portions of your application Project teams consisting of one expert and a large number of novices are likely to fail. Mentoring is in addition to training and education, not a replacement for it One of the roles of a mentor is to help your project team to see the big picture and will need to refocus the team occasionally by explaining how new methods can be applied to solve development problems Mentors should be involved throughout the entire project, especially at the early stages of it, so that the learning process gets off on the right track. My experience is that when you re adopting a new technology such as web services, or a new paradigm such as agile software development, that the mentoring process typically takes between six and twelve months The mentor is needed full-time at the beginning of a project and then only a day or two a week towards the end when your development staff become self-sufficient The trick is to slowly wean yourself off your mentor by having them transfer their skills to your staff Good mentors make you independent of them, bad mentors do not.2 4 Provide Advanced Training. After several months of hands-on experience under the tutelage of an experienced mentor, developers should return to the classroom for advanced training The experience that developers have gained gives them the knowledge that they need to understand and absorb the material presented in the advanced courses For example, an advanced modeling course is likely to concentrate on analysis and design patterns and an advanced programming course will convey a series of programming tips and tricks Advanced tra ining courses often combine both training and education aspects.2 5 Provide Education. In addition to providing advanced training courses, you should also consider supporting educational opportunities such as. College and university courses Your local post-secondary schools, or virtually local schools via the web, very likely offer a wide range of courses One of the easiest ways to ensure your staff gets a good education to pay for these courses Many organizations will only pay for IT and business related courses but my experience is that the wider the range of knowledge within your staff the better A medieval literature course will likely help to improve someone s writing skills, for example If you re interested in ensuring that your training money is well spent, only reimburse the student once they ve passed the course. Degree diplomas If someone on you staff is interested in pursing a degree diploma at night school, then I highly suggest that you support them in their efforts. Professio nal certification A viable alternative to degrees and diplomas is professional certification such as that sponsored by the Project Management Institute PMI for project managers or vendor-based certification for specific technologies such as Java programming or Oracle DBA certification. In the end, if someone has a diploma or certificate all it really says about them is they put in the time to earn it I ve worked with many people that don t have any sort of certification or post-secondary education and they ve been great developers Similarly I ve worked great people that do have these things Fundamentally a diploma or certificate gets your foot in the door, after that it s up to you.2 6 Support the Learning Experience. There is far more to the TE process than formal classroom training To support the learning experience you can promote. Learning teams Learning teams are small, cross-functional groups of people who are given the task of working together to learn a particular new technology o r technique Learning teams are often asked to produce a small application for the company, perhaps something for the human resources or marketing departments They are usually asked to spend between 20 and 50 of their working hours on the mini-project, devoting the rest of their time to their current responsibilities Members of the learning team will still need initial training and mentoring, otherwise they are likely to flounder. Reading groups A common technique is for a group of people to choose to read a book together and then to get together and discuss it on a regular basis For example, you might choose the book Agile Database Techniques and then once a week get together to discuss the contents of one of the chapters This motivates people to not only read the book but to actually focus on and understand the material. Bag-lunch training These are one-hour mini-lessons held during the daily lunch break The sessions are typically given by an expert in the subject, usually but not alway s one of your mentors, and will cover a wide range topics One lesson may be about test-driven development TDD and the next about agile requirements management Successful bag-lunch training programs typically involve 2 or 3 sessions a week with each individual session being given several times so that everyone has an opportunity to attend, minimally you should try to give a session once a week Bag-lunch sessions are easy to do and really give a boost to the learning process. Information access Get people access to the Internet, magazine subscriptions, and books There is a lot of information out there, much of which is free for the takingputer-based training CBT CBT is also a valid TE approach, especially when combined with formal training and mentoring Many organizations provide their employees access to introductory CBT courses before sending them on formal training courses, giving them a head-start on learning Unfortunately, CBT by itself is of minimal value by itself Most aspects of s oftware development are simply too complex, and evolve too quickly, to be captured in a CBT course Furthermore, when you have questions about something you need to talk to an expert to get them answered A computer cannot do that for you, although a mentor can mentoring and CBT are a powerful combination In short, CBT is only part of the solution, albeit a potentially important one.3 Training and Education Tips. I would like to share several tips and techniques that lead to success in training and education. Get your staff into the habit of learning The rate of change in the information technology IT industry is simply too fast to allow someone to train once and then sit on their laurels. Just-in-time JIT training is critical Give your people training when they need it, not several months before or several months after People will forget the majority of what they have learned less than a month later unless they apply their new skills immediately after training Training typically occurs wit hin the scope of a project, often at the beginning of it, so remember to include training in your project plans. Educate as well as train Training gives you the skills to do your job, education gives you the knowledge to understand your job The most important thing that an educational program can do is to explain the interrelationships of the concepts and techniques. Expect to train in a variety of skills Software development is complex, and successful IT staff need a wide range of skills For example, a Java developer will need training in the fundamentals of the Unified Modeling Language UML user interface design database design and test driven development TDD to name a few. Perform skills assessments for everyone You need to understand someones current skills before you can develop an effective training plan for them You ll also want to assess their skills on a regular basis to ensure that they are receiving the training and education that they need, many people unfortunately do not act ively manage their own training plan. Recognize that not everyone learns the same way Some people learn best in the classroom, while others learn best by sitting down and working with a language, and others learn best through working with others Because no training and education approach is perfect for everyone you will want to create an approach that can be modified to meet the needs of individual students Flexibility is a key success factor. Motivate everybody Motivating junior developers is typically no problem They are usually chomping at the bit to improve their development skills Unfortunately some experienced developers arent so eager, perhaps they are afraid they will not be able to pick it up as fast as others Given time and a flexible learning environment everyone can learn the new skills required in modern information technology shops, they just have to want to learn A good strategy is to make the benefits of the new technique technology, as well as the potential risks, appare nt to everyone involved If people understand what s in it for them, they ll be far more motivated that those who don t. Expect to deal with bruised egos A significant problem with transitioning experienced developers into new technologies or techniques is the fact that overnight they are go from being a recognized expert to a recognized novice This hurts Developers need to realize that if they apply themselves they can become experts once again, it just takes awhile. Expect the Ive done it before syndrome It is quite common for experienced structured developers, especially the really good ones, to initially convince themselves that they have been doing object orientation, or agile, or INSERT TECHNIQUE HERE all along This is because new techniques always build on existing techniques For example I have argued for years that there is nothing new in agile software development, it s just a packaging of existing techniques which work really well Familiarity with some of the underlying principl es of a new technique makes it easy to convince yourself that youve been doing it all along This problem is usually self correcting because as soon as someone starts to work on a real project with good mentors they quickly realize that there is a lot more to to the new technique than what they originally thought. Recognize that you cannot retrain everyone at once Except in very small IT shops you ll never transition your entire staff to a new technique all at once It s too risky, it takes time to learn the ins and outs of new techniques within your environment, and frankly there are basic logistical problems you need to deal with You need these people to keep your existing legacy systems up and running, but at the same time they want to be involved in the exciting new projects My advice is to keep them up to date on whats being learned on the project, let them know when and how they will be brought on to it, give them access to new tools on off-hours so they can learn on their own, invi te them to bag-lunch training sessions, and give them access to books and magazines Not everyone can be on the first project, but they can still be involved in the learning process If you do not involve them you risk losing them. Recognize that some colleges and universities are still not familiar with the new techniques that you want to adopt In the early to mid 1990s business in North America were actively adopting object technology, yet it wasn t until the late 1990s that object-orientation was being taught in most schools and many were struggling with the subject in the early 2000s Similarly, in the mid 2000s businesses are adopting agile software development techniques yet many schools have yet to catch up The point is that traditional sources of training and education may not yet be available to you. Getting people into training quickly Once you have made the decision to adopt a new technology technique get training in it as soon as possible Although it is a very good idea to do so me reading on your own, the bottom line is that it is too easy to misunderstand an issue and not realize it Professional instructors can help you to learn the technique properly and to avoid gaining bad habits. Teach from experience Good instructors practice what they preach and that their hands-on experience gives them the confidence and the ability to address tough questions. Recognize that people do not quit because they are trained I m often shocked to discover IT organizations that are unwilling to train their staff because they don t want to lose people to their competition, the implication being that they prefer to have staff that nobody else wants to hire The reality is that developers quit because the money is not good enough, the work is not interesting enough, or because they do not like the people theyre working with For example, agile software developers are paid more than non-agile developers because they re worth it , and any organization that enters into agile software de velopment had better be prepared to pay their people what theyre worth after training them and to provide them with interesting work Agile developers are in demand and your competition would love to poach them from you Treat your people well and they ll treat you well. Can a Non-U S Citizen Trade U S Stocks. Citizenship is not a prerequisite for stock trading. Zedcor Wholly Owned PhotoObjects Getty Images. Citizenship is not required to trade stocks, as there are no laws against non-citizens trading U S securities However, stock brokers and online trading sites can put conditions on your access to the market and will require some basic information -- as well as money -- to open an account. To trade stocks, you need to open an account with a broker Most big brokerages now allow you to trade online, but require an application before they will set up the account A brokerage may also restrict access E Trade, for example, does not allow non-U S citizens to open accounts online, but will allow a non-citizen to apply through the mail A broker will also ask for a Social Security number, a taxpayer identification number, or a W-8BEN if your residence is outside of the U S. Social Security Number. Your Social Security number is a basic identifier for the Internal Revenue Service The IRS requires individuals filing a tax return to have a Social Security number The agency also requires stock brokerages to get the number from their account-holders The brokerage needs the number to file required reports on your account activity to the IRS You don t need to be a citizen to get a Social Security number, but you must be a legal resident If you need to file with the IRS and don t qualify for a Social Security number, then you should apply to the IRS for a Taxpayer Identification Number and use that for reporting purposes. Non-Resident and Resident Tax Rules. Turtle Trading Rules Trend Following Investing based on 20 amp 55 Day Highs. A mechanical trend-following trading system based on Price M omentum signals, specifically the 20 and 55 Day Highs In 1983, commodities trader Richard Dennis bet with his business partner Bill Eckhart that he could teach a random group to be great traders. quot We re going to raise traders just like they raise turtles in Singaporequot. After taking out an advert in the Wall Street Journal, Dennis amp Eckhart narrowed over 1,000 applicants to 21 men and 2 women Dennis trained his Turtles, as he called them, for only two weeks They were taught a simple trend-following system, trading a range of commodities, currencies and bond markets, buying when a market broke above the top of its recent range and vice versa if it broke below After they proved themselves, Dennis funded most of the trainees with 1 million to manage. In summary, the Turtle Trading system is a trend-following system where trade initiations are governed by price channel breakouts, as taught by Richard Donchian The original system consisted of two mechanical trading strategies, S1 and S 2 with S1 being far more aggressive and short term than S2.Mechanics of Turtle Trading. The Turtles traded only the most liquid futures markets. Go long short when the price exceeds the high low of the preceding 20 days This breakout signal would however be ignored if the last breakout would have resulted in a winning trade but an entry would be made at the 55 day level to avoid missing major market moves The System 1 exit was a 10 day low for long positions and a 10 day high for short positions he System 1 exit was a 10 day low for long positions and a 10 day high for short position. Buy sell when the price exceeds the high low of the preceding 55 days All breakouts for System 2 would be taken whether the previous breakout had been a winner or not The System exit was a 20 day low for long positions and a 20 day high for short positions. The rules also taught Turtles specific rules about position size the use of stops, and to pyramid aggressively - up to a third of total exposure A former Turtle, Curtis Faith, apparently improved the performance by adding a further filter namely that the 40-day moving average is greater than the 200-day moving average, to guard against quotbear trapsquot i e prevented the strategy from entering trades on breakouts that occured in bearish markets. When Dennis experiment ended five years later, his Turtles reportedly had earned an aggregate profit of 175 million 80 CAGR Some of those turtles went on to enjoy careers as successful commodity trading managers However, a money management firm, Acceleration Capital, set up by former Turtle, Curtis Faith apparently imploded although there appears to be some debate about how strictly this firm was applying the Turtle Rules. Such a method of trading will apparently generate losses in periods when the market is range-bound, often for months at a time, but can see huge profits during large market moves It can also apparently lead to major drawdowns - Faith alludes to this in the book when he describe s how nine months profits were immediately erased in the wake of the 87 stock market crash. How can I run this Screen. On Stockopedia PRO of course Sign up now f or access to our exclusive Beta. According to Curtis, the Turtle System Exits were apparently the single most difficult part of the Rules Waiting for a 10 or 20 day new low can often mean watching 20 , 40 even 100 of significant profits evaporate quot There is a very strong tendency to want to exit earlier It requires great discipline to watch your profits evaporate in order to hold onto your positions for the really big move. Were the Turtles just lucky. Most people will have heard of the mythical Turle Traders a group of novice traders set up and mentored by legendary Prince of the Pit Richard Dennis. Dennis did so to set up an old argument with fellow trader Bill Eckhardt on whether trading could be taught or not not unlike the story in classic movie Trading Places. The experience was succesful in proving Dennis right trading coul d be taught , with his turtle traders making him 100 million. The Turtles were nicknamed as such because of an analogy with how Richard Dennis expected to grow traders in the same way Singapore farms grow turtles Dennis taught his students a mechanical Trend Following system and let them trade with his own capital After being kept secret for more than a decade, the rules were revealed and floated on the internet for a while Two enjoyable books have now been published on the topic Complete Turtle Trader featuring the actual turtle rules and The Way of the Turtle written by Curtis Faith, a former Turtle if you are interested in learning more about it. The turtle system. The Turtle system did not contain magical components It was basically a combination of 2 different breakout systems with specific rules for money management, including position sizing, pyramiding, correlation limits and cutting down position size during drawdowns a quick Turtle trading rules google search should yield some r esults for the exact rules. Now that the rules have been made public, it is possible to backtest them and see how they would have performed on the recent markets Such test result can be found on the Trading Blox forum. click to zoom in. It basically shows that the CAGR drops from 216 from 1970 to 1986 when Dennis and Eckhardt were developing the system, and also when the students traded the system with real money to barely double digits 10 5 in the last 23 years 1986 to 2009 , with a completely flat period from 1996 to 2009.As a side note check the crazy amount that compounding generates at that rate of 216.One could argue that Dennis co were just lucky to trade the system during what appears to be its golden period. System overheating warning. During the Turtle experiment, Dennis came to the realisation that their position sizing rules were such that. you have been trading as much as twice as big as we thought. Here is a snapshot of the memo that Dennis sent to all traders asking them to cut their position size in half. We must be living right. Another way of saying We have been very lucky. What does this mean. Well, some say that the Turtle performance was a fluke that the Turtles were actually the proverbial monkeys writing Hamlet see the Infinite Monkey Theorem I guess these people would be in the EMH camp Efficient Market Hypothesis. Some say that Trend Following is dying dead and the Turtle system under-performance is an illustration of that Problem is these people seem to celebrate the demise of simpleton Trend Following strategy every so often during major drawdown peiods , only for Trend Following to come back roaring again think 2008.Some might also say that market conditions are changing, and systems need to adapt to these changing conditions. Although, some also say that this argument is specious, citing Bill Dunn as an example of a CTA claiming to use the same rules as when he started in the 70s. Reconciling it all. Instead of concluding this post quickly here on what it does or does not means I thought it might be more interesting to expand and spend more time on the possible interpretations above in a post of its own Part 2 will take this discussion further. Stay tuned, I will try to touch on whether or not Trend Following should, and can, adapt to changing market conditions update post here. Have OSHA Certified Electrical Worker Courses Training for Facility Maintenance. Just about the most complex issues in electrical maintenance is exactly what this means to get Skilled Electrical Worker training Employers are expected to follow along with regulations to stop legal cases and also to maintain their own workers secure, yet they often have trouble just simply being aware what their own responsibilities actually are Understanding the OSHA Skilled Electrical Worker definition as well as understanding how it is actually placed on your specific situation can keep you out from trouble along with your workers safe and sound Here are the 4 issues you need to find out to start on your road to compliance Qualified Electrical Worker Training. What s the 100 legal definition of a qualified Electrical Worker. A The actual lawful explanation for the purpose of Qualified People is situated in OSHA 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart S Electrical Specifically, 1910 399 identifies an experienced Person just as One who has obtained trained in and it has shown capabilities as well as knowledge in the construction as well as functioning of electrical gear and also installs as well as the dangers involved 2 extra notes provide further caution of the definition.1 NFPA 70E , Standard for Electrical Safety within the Workplace specifies skilled person like One who may have expertise as well as knowledge linked to the construction and operation of the electrical equipment as well as installs as well as has received security training to acknowledge and prevent the potential health risks included.2 The definition for Certified Person can be found in Article hundred o f the National Electrical Code NEC The term Skilled Worker as in Skilled Electrical Worker Course is often used to describe Qualified Person Qualified Electrical Worker Training. Exactly what are the primary steps in the direction of qualifying workers. A Paperwork is the vital thing Keep correct data Nevertheless there is nobody precise item utilized to identify qualification of electrical workers, a number of factors should come under consideration by simply an employer before certification is given Such as. Training received. OSHA ten Hour Card. Possibly there is this kind of thing as a Certified Electrical Worker Certification QWC. A Absolutely no, there isn t any Qualified Electrical Worker Certification programs proposed through OSHA or the standards companies However, individual employers may tend to develop this type of program and include it with their everyday Skilled Electrical Worker training. Certification shouldn t be confused with Training course Certification suggests a certai n knowledge level is actually attained Qualification just means legal definitions have been met Certification is obtained through knowledge demonstration, such as Qualified Electrical Worker Testing americantrainco courses one-day dtlCES aspx Qualification is determined by the employer depending on an individual s capability to meet the QEW definition specifications for skills, information as well as safety training to the satisfaction of the employer You are usually experienced without having to be certified, although an individual employer may require certification as part of their own employee qualification program. What makes for good Qualified Electrical Worker Training. A Most training courses focus on the NFPA 70E , Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace They re live, lecture type classes with instructor demonstration Online training is also available, but this sort of online training typically does not meet the rigid testing requirements that are often found in certifica tion programs where a proctored examination is generally required All workers should start with a live, NFPA 70E Electrical Safety Course Soon after they are fully aware they re able to work safely they need to take other electrical courses as part of their Qualified Electrical Worker Training americantrainco SeminarCatalog aspx requirement to improve their skills. Get started or perhaps increase your Qualified Electrical Worker Program by downloading schedules or making a submission set of electrical training courses coming to your area. This is your sidebar The sidebar is a handy place for secondary information such as contact information Replace this text with words of your own. To help workers avoid shock, fire and arc flash related accidents. To provide a platform and process to help meet compliance with OSHA CFR Subpart S 1910 and NFPA by providing o Electrical safety and arc flash 70E trainingo Testing and evaluation of worker electrical safety skills on the tasks they performo Test ing and evaluation of worker electrical safety knowledge on the tasks they perform. To identify which tasks individual workers are proficient at and which ones they need more training in order to work safely. To provide training to those workers that need it in order to work safely. This Qualified Electrical Worker Certification Electrical Safety Training Program helps with OSHA Subpart S, 1910 and NFPA requirements for Qualified Persons OSHA states that only a Qualified Person is permitted to work on or near exposed energized parts and that a Qualified Person is one who has received training in and has demonstrated skills and knowledge in the construction and operation of electric equipment and installations and the hazards involved. Establishing Qualified Person status is mandatory for all individuals exposed to the hazards of electrical energy who are employed at US company locations including wholly-owned facilities as well as affiliate and leased facilities where the company has respo nsibility for facility operations through an operating or similar agreement. This program also helps provide training and information to workers to help them work safely around electrical equipment and avoid accidents.1 PRE-VISIT DATA COLLECTION NEEDS ASSESSMENT. The first step in developing a Qualified Electrical Worker Certification Program is to identify the types of skills required to meet the objectives of maintenance, operation, and project work on all electrical equipment This includes identifying what tasks are performed by the maintenance or installation technicians, what specific equipment they are working on and what tools they might be using. This process is directed by an electrical safety subject matter expert and is completed by phone interviews and exchange of data that might include listing of electrical equipment, maintenance logs or specification sheets for the equipment being worked on. This information is required in order to develop a training and testing program that is specific to the workers, the tasks they perform, the equipment they perform them on and the tools they use to work on the equipment.2 SITE VISIT EVALUATION. Although the core information can be established during the pre-visit data collection stage, an on-site visit is normally required in order to fully understand and prepare the program During this visit, a Martin Technical electrical safety expert will survey the equipment and workers in order to provide further information and details about the work being done at the facility and in order to identify any gaps. This process may include taking photographs of electrical equipment for training purposes, interviewing maintenance technicians and managers, reviewing company electrical safety documentation and processes and identifying work processes.3 FINAL TRAINING TESTING DEVELOPMENT. After all data and information has been collected, a Martin Technical electrical safety expert will develop testing and training materials specific to yo ur needs.4 TRAINING, TESTING EVALUATION FOR ELECTRICAL QUALIFIED WORKER PERSON STATUS. All training is conducted live and is customized to the needs of each customer Training includes both core electrical safety knowledge and practices as well as specific equipment and tasks associated with the workforce and facility. Core electrical safety training includes. OSHA, NFPA 70E and relates codes and standards. Effects of Electrical Hazards Accidents. Identifying Electrical Hazards. Creating a Safe Work Environment Work Permits, PPE, Approach Distances. Safety Related Maintenance Requirements. Equipment and Task specific training includespliance with company safety program standards. LOTO procedures for each piece of equipment. Equipment and task specific work and safety processes. Workers tested and evaluated on their skills and knowledge of electrical safety in the following manners. The interview questions are compilations of questions that will assist the evaluator in determining the knowledge leve l and comfort level of the workers as it relates to electrical safety. Written tests are used to help measure a worker s knowledge about general electrical safety information and procedures. Workers will be asked to demonstrate their skills in working in a safe manner while working on or around electrical equipment by performing such tasks as properly locking out tagging out a piece of equipment, using a multimeter, tracing a circuit or properly identifying and using PPE. Electrical Qualified Person Validation Sheet. This will be provided for each worker in order to identify what tasks and electrical equipment they have been observed and tested as having the skill and knowledge to work safely The document is signed by the Martin Technical electrical safety expert. Electrical Safety Training Certificate and CEUs. Each worker completing the electrical safety training sessions will be provided with a certificate of completion and 0 1 CEUs for every hour of the course completed. Each worker shoul d have a file at their place of employment documenting their qualification status, background, training and any other certifications of qualifications Martin Technical will retain copies of the Qualified Person Validation and Electrical Safety Training as a third party source. Please note the Disclaimer Notice. The following are the deliverables upon completion of the program. Training on Core Electrical Safety and Equipment Task Specific Processes. Certificate of Training including CEUs for each individual. Skills and Knowledge Testing on Electrical Safety Practices. Certificate of Competency for all tasks passed for each individual. Program platform for continued tracking of Qualified Workers. DISCLAIMER NOTICE FOR ELECTRICAL QUALIFIED PERSON WORKER CERTIFICATION. OSHA requires that only a Qualified Person may work on or around exposed energized equipment and defines that a Qualified Person as is one who has received training in and has demonstrated skills and knowledge in the construction an d operation of electric equipment and installations and the hazards involved. While OSHA defines what a Qualified Person , they do not define specifically how to determine if a worker is a Qualified Person or what specific testing or observations are required and leaves this decision to each employer There is no legal requirements on determining Qualified Person status and therefore, it s up to each employer to determine what their acceptable standards and values are for determining Qualified Person status. Employers may choose to use the Martin Technical Qualified Electrical Worker Certification Electrical Safety Training Program as their adopted program and standards for meeting OSHA Qualified Person requirements, however, Martin Technical makes no claims, guarantees or warranties on the program fulfilling any OSHA standards or regulations It is up to each employer customer to determine if this Martin Technical program meets their requirements for Qualified Person status. Contact Us for a Free Consultation on How We Can Help You with Your Qualified Electrical Worker Person Certification Program Needs. An e-course like any other learning event has several parts The pace that a learner takes within the course is a personal choice aligning to the way he feels most comfortable Whatever the approach, avenues for moving about freely or exploring should be kept open to suit any and all approaches that a learner chooses. Navigation features like Next and Back within the course enable learners move back or ahead the course as per need Similarly, the Pause button enables learners to give due attention on a particular page and its content before moving ahead This assimilation time is necessary for some learners and this simple feature can increase the learning impact manifold. Most of the explanatory features within a course are self explanatory, but keeping new users of e-learning in mind, a help manual can be included in the course to help learners understand all the navigationa l features and proceed. Another strategy to encourage learners to explore all the facets of a course is to conduct a small demo consisting of screenshots from the course and the various exploratory features However, this approach does not work if most of the learners are familiar with technology-aided learning they will just get bored during the demo It is then prudent to keep the demo optional, allowing the learner to move ahead to the course if he chooses. Approaches that learners take inside an e-learning environment are varied It is the subject of continuous studies by researchers of the Training and Learning industry By identifying the approaches, we can form strategies that suit them Thus we are closer to creating more impactful e-learning For more information on learning strategies, write to infogc-solutions or fill the form below. Vietnamese Duck Farmers Earn More While Preventing Avian Influenza. Over 15,000 Children Receive Vision Care through U S - Supported Project. The U S Gover nment has been improving the quality of life and supporting the inclusion of Vietnamese with disabilities into all aspects of society. USAID Supports Vocational Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities. USAID-supported Microfinance Project Assists Economically Disadvantaged Women in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Connect with this Mission. State of policies and strategies for training, education and knowledge development. After the presentation of the Integrated European Maritime policy European commission 2007 many Member States started developing or altering their own national policy in order to remain competitive on an international level Some of these policies are rather extensive and cover every aspect of the maritime sector Others are limited to certain priorities which matter for the respective government of the Member State. We aimed to investigate the state of policies and strategies with regard to training, education and knowledge development in particular It focuses on governmen ts involvement in maritime education and knowledge development and on the best practices within the European Union A closer analysis will also be undertaken on the emergence of joint public-private efforts. In the first section we elaborated on the specific goal and scope of the output within the KNOWMe project The methodology which consists of three parts is then explained The first part of the methodology concerns the development of a list of strategies and initiatives in which we attempt to map the initiatives surrounding maritime education in Europe The second part of the methodology consists of a questionnaire which was sent to maritime educational institutes Finally the third part is an in depth web search for the national maritime policy documents. The second section analyses the results of the three data sets obtained web search, list of strategies and initiatives, questionnaire Here we will elaborate further on best practices and governments involvement in these practices Also, an insight will be provided into how the maritime training institutes view national and European policies. In the following we summarises the main trends and developments in maritime policies in North-West Europe We provide a short overview of maritime related policies. The Netherlands have a fully integrated maritime policy which can be found on the website of rijksoverheid nl As one of the more complete documents it takes all aspects of the maritime sector into account The section which deals with education is concluded by specific action points entitled. Takes actions to improve the inflow into the educational system. Tries to improve the image of the profession in close cooperation with the private sector. Keeping the quality of education on a high level in cooperation with IMO. Belgium does not have a full integrated maritime policy, especially none focusing on maritime education There are some minor policy statements in existence made by the minister of transport in 2007 but they only deal with taxation, safety and general improvement measures for the Belgian flag. It is however noticeable that these indirect measures had a massive effect on the popularity of the Belgian flag and Nautical institutes. Denmark has published a recent document in 2010 named integrated maritime strategy It can be found on dma dk the website of the Danish Maritime Authority Although it isn t mentioned specifically in the document the European influences are clearly visible in this policy statement dealing with every aspect of the Danish maritime cluster In the maritime training and competences part the government proposes to. ensure that the maritime training programs continuously focus on quality and career opportunities. actively promote the creation of a European Standard of Maritime Excellence. ensure that, in cooperation with the maritime industries and the maritime training institutions, tools are developed to showcase, in terms of the maritime industries, the job opportunities and furth er training possibilities as well as the maritime graduates competences. strive to improve the possibilities for recruiting persons in the offshore sector who have passed a maritime training program. in the long term strive for more offshore training programs to be mutually recognized by the countries around the North Sea. On the bmvbs de site a small section is dedicated to the maritime policy in Germany We couldn t find a finished integrated maritime policy for Germany but found Guidelines for a Maritime Development Plan within the context of an integrated German maritime policy These guidelines are also based on the Blue Paper of the European Commission Objectives aimed at improving education include. promoting the competitiveness of the Germany economy and making use of them for job creation. promoting maritime research and science in Germany. employment and training building training capacities in maritime professions. Public relation campaigns for e g the European Maritime Day. Poland ha s outlined a Basis for the Maritime Policy of the Republic of Poland until 2020 based on the European Union Communication Prepared by the Ministry of Infrastructure it lists Development of maritime education, science and marine and maritime research as one of the priorities of the policy. The document is extremely well prepared with over 7 action points focusing on Development of education, science and maritime research another 4 action points deal with the Creation of new fields and specialization of maritime study and finally 5 more about Support and promotion of the development of maritime science, research and technology. This brings the total number of action points up to 16, the highest number of any Member State. The National Ocean Strategy of Portugal predates all European maritime policy documents It is however a well-balanced document building on 3 strategic pillars of which one is knowledge Here the government promotes investment in research and calls for sectorial and intersec tional policies for public and private investment in sea-related activities Action and measures contain following maritime related inputs. Investing in qualified human resources for science, technology and innovation. Highlighting the importance of the ocean in all its dimensions into the school curricula, encouraging nautical and naval education. Although not officially part of the European Union it shares the coastline with the territory As a comparison to the European Member States policies the Russian policy was also analyzed. The main difference between this policy and the European ones is the emphasis on sovereign rights, fishing, exploitation of mineral and energy resources, improving scientific work and the naval activities. No distinguishable references are made to knowledge development or maritime education. Norway has created the Steady as she goes Maritime strategy in 2007 Amongst 5 main areas dealing with challenges and objective Norway deals with Maritime expertise and Maritime research and innovation It is the only country which lists budgets and investment numbers in the maritime sector With 12 initiatives in 2007 the action plan was one of the best and most practical of all investigated policies. The Swedish government published a bill under the name of A coherent Swedish maritime policy The focus is mainly on resource management, cooperation and stakeholder participation The action points address environmental issues like NOx and SOX and wreck removal. The UK Marine Policy Statement is created jointly by HM Government, Northern Ireland Executive, Scottish Government and the Welsh Assembly Government Listed on defra gov uk it is a very extensive document addressing environmental planning, maritime planning, defense and national security, ports and all other aspects of the maritime cluster except maritime education and knowledge development. The Government of the republic of Lithuania published a Resolution in 2008 based upon the European Commission Communiqu e on the Integrated maritime policy The direct goal of the program is to create a central area or valley for the development of Lithuania s maritime sector This is therefore not a real policy program but more of a project description benefitting the maritime industry in Lithuania The main objectives relating to research and knowledge development are. Creating a modern research infrastructure. Modernizing the university-level maritime studies. Create conditions for cooperation between maritime businesses and academic institutions. Increase the competitiveness of Lithuania s marine science and maritime technologies. The Estonian maritime policy is only available in the native language so the following information in based on translations In Maritime policy development plan till 2020 the Estonian government outlines the maritime strategy for the coming years with 5 priorities One of these priorities is entitled Estonian Maritime education and research and development, at a contemporary level S ome action points described in this priority are. Marine Education Concept Development and Implementation. Promotion of vocational Training. Promotion of higher Education. Enlarging interest by promoting education and training. Supporting maritime research. The maritime policy in Latvia is generated by the Latvian Maritime Administration is an organization providing planning and implementation of maritime policy in Latvia to achieve the aim safe, secure and efficient shipping on clean oceans. We could find no clear policy document but the website jurasadministracija lv states that the Latvian objectives are. To promote safe and secure navigation off Latvian coast and in Latvian ports. To promote safety and security of ships, crew and passengers. To prevent pollution of sea. To promote competitiveness of Latvian fleet in the world. To promote competitiveness of Latvian seafarers in the world. The insights in the Greek policy are based upon a paper by Alkis John Corres 2007 Greece divides the policie s amongst 4 different sub-sectors The ocean-going sector the short-sea sector the cruise sector ant the domestic ferries sector Each sector has a specific approach but a couple of general objectives exist Of these objectives 2 are interconnected to knowledge development namely. Attraction of school leavers to the nautical profession. Running of the marine academies. No maritime policy found. No maritime policy found. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots You need JavaScript enabled to view it Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp at the University of Antwerp, Belguim. Description Trading strategy, trading system, trader, signals, buy, sell, trading decision, market, trading style. A trading system generates Long or Short signals only It is a traders choice to interpret these signals as Buy or Sell signals, to decide which trading vehicle to use and what percent of the portfolio to invest Trading system development is only half of the preparation required before trading begins As important as it is to develop a reliable trading system, it is just as important to develop a trading strategy to use with the system Without a correctly developed strategy, even a profitable trading system can fail. For example, a simple choice that depends on the current traders position must be made when a trading system generates a Long signal A trader must decide whether he she wishes to close a short position if he she is short and then must decide whether to stay in Cash or open a Long position The same is true when a Short signal is generated The trader must make two trading decisions One is to close the Long position if he she is currently in Long and the second is whether to stay in Cash or open a Short position. As you see, from the moment when the system first generates a signal, the trader has decisions to make The famous quote to be or not to be can be changed to to buy or not to buy or to to sell or not to sell The need to make a trading decision on the basis of the generated signals is a part of the trading strategy that must be developed by each trader It is essential to have this strategy developed and to follow the strategy s rules in order to exclude emotion from the trading decisions. It is a common mistake to think that the trading system must be developed to exclude emotion As we mentioned above, the trading system generates Long and Short signals only and the signals based on technical indicators are always unemotional Emotions arise when a trader must make a decision based on these signals The trading strategy that defines how to react to a signal generated by the system helps to exclude emotion The more detailed your trading strategy is, the less likely it is that emotions will be involved in your trading decisions. In general, a trading strategy tells you what to do when a signal is generated by the trading system The trading system depends on technical indicators, market research and various analyses The trading stra tegy depends on one s personal trading style and risk tolerance, portfolio size and, of course, on the market s behavior. Personal Trading Style - Depending on ones personal preferences and what trading vehicle a trader is most familiar with and feels most comfortable with, a trader may decide to trade stocks or options or futures, etc Depending on the trading vehicle selected, the trading strategy will differ. Personal Risk Tolerance - Depending on the degree of risk a trader is willing to accept, a trader may decide to trade on margin or to invest only a small part of the portfolio In addition, he may choose to trade risky futures or only conservative stocks Depending on the risk tolerance, different stop-loss rules can be selected to protect the portfolio. Portfolio Size - Depending on the size of the portfolio, a trader could be limited by margin requirements to certain types of trading Its unlikely that a trader with a small portfolio would be able to invest in uncovered options At t he same time, a trader with a small portfolio is often willing to invest an entire portfolio in a single trade, while a trader with a large portfolio usually invests only a small percentage of his portfolio in a trade. Market Behavior - A trader can select a different strategy to use with the signals generated by the system, depending on the market s behavior For instance, if a trader believes that the market is in a long-term uptrend, he she may decide to trade only shorter-term Long signals Alternatively, a trader who believes in a long-term recession may decide to trade only shorter-term Short signals At the same time, in a volatile market, a trader may choose to trade options, but chose to trade uncovered options in a non-volatile market. The first three parameters that affect a chosen trading strategy are more personal while the fourth one depends less on personal preferences, but helps to avoid unnecessary trading risk in certain markets In the following articles below, we delve de eper into how to define different market conditions and what trading strategy to chose. A trading strategy to make Buy Sell trading decision - this article explain how signals generated by trading system can be used in different markets. A trading strategy to decide how much to invest - this article gives examples to illustrate the importance of defining how much to invest in a trade. A trading strategy to decide what to buy and what to sell - this article explain the possibility of using different strategies in different markets. SNC-Lavalin Group Inc SNC. Snc-Lavalin Group Inc is a Canada-based engineering and construction company The Company s segments include Mining Oil Power, which includes projects and services in hydro, nuclear and thermal power generation, renewable power generation, energy from waste, and electrical transmission and distribution systems Infrastructure, which is divided into the Infrastructure ve all come to value and expect, please keep the following criteria in mi nd. Enrich the conversation. Stay focused and on track Only post material that s relevant to the topic being discussed. Be respectful Even negative opinions can be framed positively and diplomatically. Use standard writing style Include punctuation and upper and lower cases. NOTE Spam and or promotional messages and links within a comment will be removed. Avoid profanity, slander or personal attacks directed at an author or another user. Don t Monopolize the Conversation We appreciate passion and conviction, but we also believe strongly in giving everyone a chance to air their thoughts Therefore, in addition to civil interaction, we expect commenters to offer their opinions succinctly and thoughtfully, but not so repeatedly that others are annoyed or offended If we receive complaints about individuals who take over a thread or forum, we reserve the right to ban them from the site, without recourse. Only English comments will be allowed. Perpetrators of spam or abuse will be deleted from the sit e and prohibited from future registration at s discretion. I have read and understood UK s comment guidlines and agree to the terms described. Are you sure you want to delete this chart. Replace the attached chart with a new chart. Please wait a minute before you try to comment again. Thanks for your comment Please note that all comments are pending until approved by our moderators It may therefore take some time before it appears on our website. Are you sure you want to delete this chart. Replace the attached chart with a new chart. Please wait a minute before you try to comment again. Report this comment. I feel that this comment is. Spam Offensive Irrelevant. Your report has been sent to our moderators for review. Add Chart to Comment. Disclaimer Fusion Media would like to remind you that the data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate All CFDs stocks, indexes, futures and Forex prices are not provided by exchanges but rather by market makers, and so prices may not be accurate and may differ from the actual market price, meaning prices are indicative and not appropriate for trading purposes Therefore Fusion Media doesn t bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data. Fusion Media or anyone involved with Fusion Media will not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information including data, quotes, charts and buy sell signals contained within this website Please be fully informed regarding the risks and costs associated with trading the financial markets, it is one of the riskiest investment forms possible. Griffon Telephonics Partners with NYU Tandon School of Engineering for Graduate Fellowship Program. FARMINGDALE, N Y Feb 28, 2017 PRNewswire -- Telephonics Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Griffon Corporation NYSE GFF , announced today that it has entered into a formal agreement with the NYU Tandon School of Engineering to establish a Telephonics Graduate Fello wship Program The program will sponsor Telephonics Fellowships for graduate students that show exceptional promise in a range of desired technology areas. The Fellowship program will offer four students full scholarships as well as opportunities to intern at Telephonics The Fellows will undertake research with prominent NYU Tandon faculty members NYU Tandon will select the Fellows from both its own students and from Telephonics engineers who pass the school s rigorous admissions process The tuition costs for the Fellowships will be funded by Telephonics. Telephonics is extremely pleased to partner with the prestigious NYU Tandon School of Engineering to establish this Fellowship program and looks forward to working together and fostering the next generation of PhD-caliber engineers, said Mr Rich Hines, Chief Technology Officer, Telephonics Telephonics is committed to driving technological innovation as well as building closer relationships with select engineering research organizations such as NYU Tandon Most importantly, this relationship provides an opportunity to invest in the development of Telephonics most crucial resource, our employees. NYU Tandon welcomes this opportunity to work with Telephonics to expand our students experience beyond the classroom and the research laboratory, to work beside experienced Telephonics engineers on providing real-world solutions to a wide range of technological challenges, said NYU Tandon Dean Katepalli R Sreenivasan We applaud Telephonics for its generous commitment to support the education of the next generation of engineers. Telephonics views this Fellowship program as the first step in establishing a long term relationship with NYU Tandon School of Engineering. The NYU Tandon School of Engineering is a 160 year old institution rooted in the merger of two great legacy engineering schools NYU and the school widely known as Brooklyn Polytechnic Today, there are 5,500 students focused on applied research in a wide variety of practical and marketable technical solutions NYU also operates very successful tech incubators in Manhattan and Brooklyn. For more information about Telephonics, plea se contact Lisa Ahrens at or visit. About Telephonics Telephonics, founded in 1933, is recognized globally as a leading provider of highly sophisticated intelligence, surveillance and communications solutions that are deployed across a wide range of land, sea and air applications Telephonics designs, develops, manufactures and provides logistical support and lifecycle sustainment services to defense, aerospace and commercial customers worldwide. About Griffon Corporation Griffon is a diversified management and holding company that conducts business through wholly-owned subsidiaries Griffon oversees the operations of its subsidiaries, allocates resources among them and manages their capital structures Griffon provides direction and assistance to its subsidiaries in connection with acquisition and growth opportunities as well as in connection with divestitures In order to further diversify, Griffon also seeks out, evaluates and, when appropriate, will acquire additional businesses that off er potentially attractive returns on capital. Headquartered in New York, N Y the Company was founded in 1959 and is incorporated in Delaware Griffon is listed on the New York Stock Exchanges and trades under the symbol GFF. Griffon currently conducts its operations through three reportable segments. For more information on Griffon and its operating subsidiaries, please see the Company s website at. Forward-Looking Statements Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 Certain statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release are forward-looking statements Such forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of the company s management, as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the company s management Actual results could differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements Information concerning risks and uncertainties that may impact the company s results and forward-loo king statements are set forth in Griffon Corporation s filings with the SEC The company does not undertake to release publicly any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.2017 Telephonics Corporation 815 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. SOURCE Telephonics Corporation.
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